The Daily Standard from Sikeston, Missouri (2024)

THE DAILY STANDARD, SIKESTON, MISSOURI TUESDAY, AUGUST 2. 1955 PAGE FOUR seem Mrs. Matthews for 18 yars brick, have returned from Augusta, Ga. where they spent the ed of four teams, left Monday morning for St. Louis to attend the ball game.

Mr. and Mrs. Feilding Potash nick of Festus spent the past week end with Sikeston relatives. Mr. and Mrs.

Orlin Moore and Hospital Notes Burke Duncan Wed family visited Sunday in Dexter 4 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Duggins. Terry Reed went to Terre Haute, last Thursday to visit for two weeks with his uncle, O. E.

Reed and family. Bertna Jane Killgore of Michigan Center, accompanied by her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Killgore and son, Ross David, of Lee's Summit, arrived in Sikeston, Monday night to visit with Mr. and Mrs.

W. C. Edwards. Mr. Killgore and family had been visiting his brother, Dr.

Z. W. Killgore and family and were here overnight on their return trip to Lee's Summit. Betha Jane will visit two weeks with her grandparents. Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Fallert and baby returned Sunday night from a week's visit with Mr. Fal lert's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.

A. Wm. E. Cunningham and family returned Sunday night from St Louis. Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Lambert will go to Bateaville, Thurs day to spend the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lambert, Sr They will take their nephew, to Newport, who will take the train there and go to his home in Jena La. He had spent the past three weeks visiting with the Lamberts Mr.

and Mrs. Harley Mathis Royal Oaks, arrived Mon day afternoon for a visit with Mr. Mathis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.

W. Mathis. Mrs. Mary Bagbey and children visited last week with her mother, Mrs. Frank Moore of Chaffee.

Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Thornton left Sunday for a two weeks vaca tion which will be spent at Den ver, Colo.

and other western points. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cope and daughter, Mary Jane, Mrs. Emma Marshall and Mrs.

M. C. Cope were supper guests Sunday even ing of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Marshall of Charleston.

Mr, and Mrs. Harold Depro and son, Bobby, and Mrs. Depro's mo ther, Mrs. Settles of East Prairie, spent the weekend in St. Louis with relatives.

4 Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Mac McGahey, Miss Gene Johnson and houseguset of Waynesboro, Tenn.

went to Pa ducah, Sunday, where they picked up Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chandler, former residents of Sikeston, and all went to Kentucky Lake. Mr. and Mrs.

Bill York Jr. and two children of Cape Girardeau spent the past weekend with Mrs. York's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Potashnick.

and other relatives here. On Monday, Mr. York and family left for Casper, where Mr. York will be employed for about a year on an oil pipe line project. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiininnifw News In Brief nfiminmiiiiiiuiiiiiinniimitniiiiiiumniiiramninimimmiriiiiiiimi Dr.

and Mrs. A. P. Sargent and family attended the funeral of Mrs. Sargent's aunt, Mrs.

B. F. Fisher, of Trenton, Tenn. Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Marvin Baldwin of Houston, Texas are here visiting Mrs. John Gray and family. Mrs. Herbert Hill and daughters of St.

Louis will arrive next week to visit with Mrs. John Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kerncll and framily returned last Friday from a vacation trip of which they spent one week in Chicago, 111., visiting with Mrs.

Kernell's brother Frederick Citzes; and Mr. Kernell's family and his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Kernell and daughter. On their return trip, they stopped in Springfield, 111., on a sight seeing trip.

Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Kirby and son of Festus, are visiting Mrs. N. I.

Mr. and Mrs. William Arnold and daughter Kathy of Dexter and Misses Maude and Golda Arnold of Essex, spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barnctt.

Mrs. James M. Smith, New Madrid, shopped here Monday. Mrs. John S.

Burch, Cape Girardeau, was a business visitor in Sikeston Monday. D. M. Robertson, Ironton, con ducted business in Sikeston Monday. D.

B. Riley, New Madrid, shop ped here Monday. A. Morgan, Poplar Bluff, was here on business Monday. J.

B. Collins, Marshall, was in Sikeston on business Monday. Among shoppers in Sikeston Monday were Mrs. C. D.

Heath and Annette Givens, of East Prairie. E. H. Riley, New Madrid, was a business visitor here Monday. Bonita Hulehan, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Horace Hulehan has as her guest this week, Doris Harris of Chaffee. The Hulehan's accompanied another daughter, Miss Carmen to Kcnnett Sunday where she is visiting this week with Miss Sue Cole. Mrs. Harry Hambrick and daughter, Miss Virginia and Mrs.

Hambrick's grandson, Skip Ham UU past week visiting Miss Mattie Hambrick and other relatives. They also visited at Daytona Beach, Fla. Miss Maxine and Miss Pauline Husher left Sunday morning for Wooster, to visit their brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Robey and sons, John and Paul.

They plan to be away about 10 days. Mr. and Mrs. Lance Hargraves and three children, David, Charles and Jove, moved from Sikeston to Cape Girardeau where Mr. Har graves has accepted a position with the Reliable Life Insurance Co.

For the past year, Mr. Har graves, who is a brother of Mrs. Wm. Proffer of Sikeston, was associated with the Coca Cola here and previously was a plant operator at Charleston for Mis souri Utilities Co. Miss Gwen Minner and niece, Karen Kay Minner, both of St.

Louis, arrived Saturday to spend a week's vacation with the former's mother, Mrs. Lina J. Minner. They will return home Saturday accom panied by Mrs. Minner, who will remain for a visit.

Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Hurlbut and son, Kenneth of Port St.

Jo, visited Mr. and Mrs. Irick Poe ov er the weekend. Miss Debbie Mou chette, who had been visiting with the Hurlbut family, returned to Sikeston with them and was also a guest in the Poe home, Sunday. G.

A. Poe and son, George from Compton, visited last week with Irick Poe and father, G. H. Poe. Mrs.

Ralph Anderson left this morning to spend the month of August with her mother. Mr. W. R. Huckeby in Jacksonville, 111., and will also visit her son, Bill Anderson and family in Clinton, Iowa.

She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Bennie Mar shall and daughter, Mary Beth, who will remain a few days and then return home by train. Mr. and Mrs. J.

W. Weaks of 111 Ruth had as house guests from Friday until Sunday afternoon their friend, Mrs. Lorcn A. Matthews and sister, Mrs. Frank Reigel.

They will be remembered as the Misses Anna Lee and Laura Belle Shepard of Caruthersville, both of whom now reside in Washington, D. C. The Weaks had not 14th District Meeting Of legion Auxiliary In Benton, Aug. 7 Members of the 14th District, American Lesion Auxiliary will begin a new year with the install tion of officers for 1955 56 at the meeting to be held at the Methodist Church in Benton, Aug. 7, at 2 p.m.

Mrs. George Bellerson, President of the Department of Missouri, will be the installing officer. Final report of chairmen for 1954 55 will be given, also a report on the Department Convention which was Meld July 15 16 17 in St. Louis. Mrs.

Elmer Wiedfield, President of Scott County Memorial Unit .369 and Mrs. J. C. Williamson, President of the 14th District, join in extend ing to every American Legion Aux iliary member of the 14th District a most cordial invitation to bt in Benton on Aug. 7.

Such mans Hosts For Builder's Class Social Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Suchman were hosts at their home, 633 Tay lor Friday evening for the monthly social meeting of the Builders' Class of the Tanner Street Church of God.

Approximately 30 members of the class were present to enjoy the barbecued hamburger fry on the spacious lawn of the Such man home and con 1 sisted of fellowship and music by the Rev. Vernon Guttenfelder, who played various religious selections on the accordion and accompanied the class as they sang several choruses. MRS. GEORGE DOCKERY TO UNDERGO SURGERY Mrs. George E.

Dockery will enter St. Francis Hospital, Cape Girardeau this afternoon where she will undergo major surgery Wednesday. She will be accompanied to Cape by her daughters, Mrs. Hufstedler Mrs. Dickerson and Mrs.

Harrison. The latter of California, who with her husband, A. Harrison and sons, George and Allie are visiting in the Dockery home. PRIMARY CLASS HAS PARTY Mrs. Buddy Wrallace entertained the Primary Sunday School class Fallert of Cape Girardeau.

Gerald D. Lyne of Smyrna. spent the weekend with Clyde Reed and wife. Mr. Lyne came to move his household fur niture from Oran to Smyrna.

Charles Clark and children, Charles, Larry and Peggy went to Eldon, the last of the week to visit his mother. Mr. Clark return ed to Sikeston, while the children remained for a longer visit with their grandmother. i WELDING GAS and ELECTRIC FARM MACHINERY REPAIRED In the shop On the farm CARGILE IRRIGATION CO. Phcne 684 Sikeston, Missouri SEWING ROOM, v3 A3? WEEK ONLY! Announcement has been made of the marriage on July 21 of Miss Glenna Fay Burke to Marshall Duncan, son of Mrs.

Clyde Dun can and Sammy Duncan, both of Sikcston. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burke of Marston. The ceremony was performed in Hernando, and the couple was accompanied by the mother of the bridegroom.

Mr. and Mrs. Duncan are making their home for the present with their parents. Nazarene Class Elects Officers The Good Samaritan class of the Nazerene Church held its meet ing at the Boyer's Cafe, at which time election of officers was held. with the following being elected: resident, Betty uampDen: vice president, Elsie Gillihan; secretray, Wanda Scarbrotigh; assistant secretary, Hazel Thompson; treasur er, Wanda McDaniel: assistant treasurer, Pansy Poe.

Mrs. J. W. Hoffert is teacher of the class. Refreshments were served at the close of the business session.

ENTERTAIN AT BARBECUE Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watson entertained with a barbecue Sunday evening at their home, 600 Taylor. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.

W. A. Alliston. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Gardner and Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Gardner and children, and Mr. and MrsJ W. A.

Alliston, and son. Stork Club Babies born at the Missouri Del ta Community Hospital Saturday: were as follows: A baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. Cristomo Trevino of Rt. 1., Sikes ton.

A baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Johnson of Rt. 2., Sikeston. Babies born Sunday at the Delta Community Hospital were: A son to Mr.

and Mrs. Harvey Dovers, 319 William St. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ocie Vandiver, Box 71.

Clnalou. Carl Maria Joyce is the iiame se jlected for the new baby daughter Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jdyce born Sunday July 24. Mrs.

Joyce is former Miss Margaret MiHer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Miller. Mrs. Pearl Joyce is the paternal grandmother.

Babies born at the Missouri Delta Community Hospital, were reported as follows: A baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kindred, 268 West Kathleen. He weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces, and has been named Herbert Steven. He has one sister and two brothers.

Mr, and Mrs. Walter B. Roth of Cape Girardeau are the! maternal grandparents, and Mrs. Minnie Kindred of Sikeston is the paternal grandmother. It's a baby girl for Mr, and Mrs.

i Roy Chasteen of Morley. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Spears, 820 Matthews. Mr.

and Mrs. Clyde Scott, 821 William are the parents oi a baby girl weighing 7 pounds, 10, ounces. No name has been selected for the baby, who is the second child of the couple. She has a brother, 16 months old. Mr.

and Mrs. Joe Pennington are the maternal grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. K. Scott, North West are the paternal grandparents.

Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Bost of Rt. 1, Matthews, are the parents of, baby girl. Announcement was received to 1 day that Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Hu ber of Omaha, are the parents of a baby girl, born at 0 p.m., Monday. She is the third daugh ter of the couple, and her mother the former Miss Sue Tanner, daughter of Mrs. Sayers Tanner Sikeston and the late Mr. Tan ner.

0'4 Patients admitted to the Missouri Delta Community Hospital, Saturday: Terry Hyatt, Sikeston James Stewart, Sikeston Anthony Melton. Sikeston Kenneth Bost, Matthews Noel Kellctt, Sikeston Ted Duffeil, East Prairie Led a Sisson, Sikeston Theodore Johnson, Gray Ridge DISCHARGED Saturday: William Baker, Sikeston Mrs. Lester Bond and Baby Girl, Route 1, Bertrand Mrs. Cecil Hicks and Baby Girl, Route 3, Sikeston Mrs. Hurley McGhee and Baby Girl, Vanduser Mrs.

Bascom Gardner and Baby Girl, Route 1, Matthews Mose Coleman, West Memphis, Ark. ADMITTED Sunday: Murel J. Gosnell, Sikeston Nellie Mae Rodgcrs, Sikeston Herbert Lee Krauss. East Prairie Jimmy Lee Tucker, Sikeston DISCHARGED Sunday: Mrs. Carl Joyce and Baby Girl, Sikeston Anthony Dennis Melton, Sikeston Janie Wampler, Morley Kenneth Ray Bost, Matthews Mrs.

Chrisostomo Trevino, Rt. 1, Sikeston Penelope Kruass, East Prairie Bertha Henry, Sikeston Patients admitted to the Missouri Delta Community Hospital, Monday: Arnold Hicks, West Memphis, Ark. Anna Hahn, Benton Earley Flournoy, New Madrid Jacqueline Old, Sikeston Patsy Vaughn, Sikeston Michael Lee Hendrix, Route '2, East Prairie Ruth Eloise Purser, New Madrid DISCHARGED Monday: Mrs. Willard McMikle and Baby Girl, East Prairie Mrs. James R.

Howell and Baby Girl, Rt. 2, Sikeston Mrs. Roy Chasteen and Baby Girl, Morley David Tidwell, East Prairie Leora Newman. Canalou Jimmy Tucker, Sikeston. TOP LOW r.o.A.r.

I Summer much items including: (Hpf Adjwilablt drt form 1 1 Iron Sewing chair Fitttd Stwing Basktt JjfW rav'infl wing Kit when she and her husband lived in an apartment in the Weaks' home in Marston, whei both taught school from 1935 37. Mrs Matthews and Mrs. Reigel had been visiting relatives of Mr. Matthews in Springfield, and were enroute to Caruthersville to visit relatives of theirs. They plan to also visit in Memphis and other parts of Tennessee and arrive in Washington on Aug.

15. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson and daughter, Linda of St. Louis and Mrs.

Thurman S. Burns of Sikeston visited relatives in Marion and'Tulu, last Saturday and were joined in Tulu by Mrs. Johnson's brother, Shelly Franklin, who accompanied them on a trip to Michigan, where they spent the week in Carol, Detroit and Ferndale and made a one day tour into a part of Canada. On their return Mr. Franklin remained in Tulu and his son, Donald Keith, 1 accompanied the remainder of the group to Sikeston to spend this week.

W. A. Woods of Indianapolis, arrived Saturday to join his family who have been here the past two weeks visiting Mrs. Woods' mother, Mrs. Georgia Don nell.

They left for their home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Duckett and children I left Tuesday morning for Williamsville. to spend the rest of the week with Mrs Duckett's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Gerald Gregory. Mr. and Mrs. Harold K.

Lind ley of East St. Louis, 111., visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grimm last week. Mr.

and Mrs. Dale Shoemaker of Sycamore, 111., were guests of Mr and Mrs. Charles Fausett, last week. Mr. and Mrs.

C. E. Sadler and son of Festus, are visiting this week with their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dillender and family.

Robert Gene Cunningham and lamiiy or jacKsonvnie, are visiting his brother, Wm. E. Cun ningham and family. Robert Atkinson and family left July 21 to attend Pine Crest Camp meeting near Fredericktown. Friday they visited Meramec Caverns and sage Beach and then to Jef ferson City and St.

Louis. Enos Slaughter League, compos CAR! Phone 1256 with a party Monday night at her home. Those attending were: Ruth Ann Atkinson, Beverly Jo John son, Jackie Tinsley, Loyd Rudisill, Sonny. Bubbie, Frances. Marvin of cn COMPLETE UU THE NEW tfL 33 "iV El, tltclrie Dr ej'B Cpltt I VtSSI During our great Bandwagon Sell a bration you tan own a beautiful new '55 sewing cmcLt CCHI AUTOMATIC NEW NECCHI BU AUTOMATIC gives you: and Donnie Wallace.

Games were played, and refreshments were served. The meeting closed with prayer. VACATION SCHOOL BEGINS AT METHODIST CHURCH Enrollment began Monday at the vacation Church School of the Methodist Church. Anyone between the ages of 4 and 14 years may enroll in the school. Social Calendar Tuesday The T.

E. L. Class, First Baptist Church, will meet at the church at 7:00 o'clock for a pot luck supper. This is the August meeting and new officers for next year will be named by the nominating committee. Wednesday The V.F.W.

Auxiliary will meet at 7:30 p.m. at the Odd Fellow's Hall. Thursday Circles of the Christian Women's Fellowship will meet as follows: Turner Circle Mrs. Roger Bailey at 2 p.m. Pierce Circle Mrs.

C. E. Mcll foy at 7:30 p.m. BJoomfield and Story Circles at Ihe church at 2 p.m. To be Ni ile Fi Wrlf I i mm unneiee a is of consideration of others, not easier than you may think! Freedom from attachments! Sews on buttons, makes buttonholes, mends, darns, overcasts, blindstitches, inM iiiHiiwfcwirmrTrTiii smocks, apphquei without attachments! Automatic Monogramminj Fancy stitches rnnr nut ntnmatirAllv.

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The Daily Standard from Sikeston, Missouri (2024)


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

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Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.