The Cincinnati Post from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

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The Cincinnati Posti

Cincinnati, Ohio

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Yrniere Chest fuaawl UjuLgB finniTi iNwivr Pegs Bust trail QBBOrtutiKios Tuesday September I ItTI MetorcycjgiT Sceoters 1 Ttli ClnclimBti 29 Metercyciei Scaeters $100 OFF USED BIKE SALE SPECIAL or THK WEEK 35 hp BUSHWACKER MINI BIKE WKICK START $8995 STREET '4 Triumph SCO Twin WMS79S (2) 71 Suzuki WPS 9595 '7QSuzuklTSOOIII WaaS75 '49 Suzuki T3Sftspasd 04 9549 WMS575 '72 Suzuki 250 X4 Was 9795' Suzuki 2005- WasS395 '49 Suzuki 2065 Was 9425 NOW 9495 NOW 9795 NOW 145 9IOW544 NOW 9475 NOW 145 NOW 135 NOWS32S TRAIL BIKES '71 Suzuki TM400MX WBSS74 NOWS44 45 Husky 360 MX Was 9549 NOWS449 71 Suzuki TS 15 MX Wes 725 9K)W 9424 71 Hodeka 1 00 AT MX Wes 9495 NOW53SS '71 Harley 100 BAJA MX WPS 9549 NOW 9449 SUZUKI 7345 COLEKAIN AVE THEILMAN'S Tha award-winner Daytona mehlla homa 4S FT LONG 1 FULL BATHS NO HALLWAY SUNKEN BATHTUB Wa could ooon and on but you must aao ttuo it la the iataat Ihina In mabllo homes A I Milford lot only 707 GOSHEN PIKE MILFORD OHIO (11-191 671 READING ROAD READING OHIO 73545901 KAWASAKI G-4: a "HIT TUA MACMNI AVAAAIU" 100k fidanr eak eigiai at aetopreel ignEag 5eay aatoUe roar odfr ladukw lOapft tma lul knobby frtt mi(a IBS lx lid hice S59S NOW ONLY $445 jm toiiM Moaui uuito1 NORWOOD KAWASAKI 4-4114 MONTOOMIRY RD 351-B3M HONDA OP HAMILTON 4 4B34 MXII HWY R43-3233 HONDA Of CINCINNATI 3000 CENTRAL KY 5434)700 KAWASAKI SPECIAL 72 KAWASAKI H-l-B $899 72 KAWASAKI G-5 iooTrdLk4U) $379 ALL MODELS STIU ON SALE At DIXIE CYCLES INC 31 9 4TH5T COVINGTON 491-0033 HOURS: M0N4 Rli 1 0-9 SAT 9-4 72 Suzuki TS 250 Trail WaaSKS NOWI72S 71 Suzuki TS 250 Trail Was 974 NOWS44 '70 Suzuki TS 250 5-aoaed WaaS44f NOWS54 '69 Suzuki TS 250 Endure Wax 9475 NOW 9375 '71 Suzuki TS105 Trail Was 9649 NOW 9549 149 Suzuki TS 120 CAT Was 9444 NOW 9344 '72 Suzuki TC 90 Blaster Was 9475 NOW SITS 71 Yarn 90 Trail Was 9395 NOW 9295 '47 Suzuki 10 Trail Was 4275 NOW9175 9 Suzuki Sft Sinead Was 9325 NOW 9225 HOURS Mon and Fri ftld Tuag wad ThurgftB laturday-4 SUNDAY 13-4 OF CIN'TI PHONE 931-3072 Hr YAMAHA Street Bike Clearance' SAVE UP TO $150 MOTO-EAST INCU VA7b-a 752-1181 Open Daily lft Sat 4 MOTDGUZZi YAMAHA AJ1 '71 R-5-B 350cc excel cend Call 31501 aft 1pm YAMAHA 71250 Endure A-1 cond call 441552 '71 350 custom paint 9540 Call 361042 YAMAHA '73 R-5C 350CC law mites Ilka naw 3475 Call 4715751 vetorelpim You DorTt HavaTo Ba An ECONOMIC GENIUS To Appreciate Our Prices On SUZUKI At CIRCLE CYCLES Rt by Sharon BBBBBB Motorbikes Ga-Korti MIDI Great cond ftsa mutt sail artzlna 512ft Call 2415533 MINI-BIKE Bannrite 5adu 22Sft-Call 431-75B3 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Boots Motors A-ALL Marionette Cruller '72 1 mas old 32 ft Fly-Bridge 2-225 Chrys etc Sava S3000 Call 341-4224 Ext 16 (Larry) or caM 341-4439 ava ALUMINUM 17Vi-ft 75-hp Marc-9300 Call 971-5521 AR 15' runabout with stereo tape system and ski aauip- it 4Na Johnaon and Gator trait-er baautHul cond will sacritlca tor 9950331-1303 BEST TRI-HULL BUY Naw 173 15 Ft Vinyl tap and curtain Laroa forward co*ckpit LflUnOBIBltB Powered by Sftha electric Johnson wHh controls N0W921M UM HON BOATS 731-1072 Century IS ft inbeard las ha with Tandem traitor with brakag murt aril 9400 (31-7702 17 ft weed and liberate 2f ha Johnaon motor with aloe Mart and traitor 922ft Call 45-7449 71 boat lfr traitor -IQOhp Johnaon merer 4355427 Cavalier Crulsar 24 axcal cond must aeH92195 call CHRISCRAFT CONSOLATIOt4-'61 2fr 2 2S3 Chav ana CB redtob PA aye-tom AC-DC Rafrigarator Many ax-traa Scan at Catalina Marina alip 16 or Call 191-95(6 by Dick Turner -50c Wasfwr wfrfwritor sIovg sfudlo bad couch am ted 661-3iaaisTobottff4 4 GAS RANGE Konmort MokoofforciN 1-6a45oftf 5 GOLF CART Wilson Turfrider never uiad won In contest 43ft Call 341-0490 after 6 pjn GOLF Continental by THto-g-2rarortd axcallant cond S12S GOLF '70 Tourney excellent condition SI Oft Call 232-3922 Tender Tatac aster mapd neck handball case coat S40ft sell tar S215 3 waakaoid 9415916 HOUSEHOLD Bedrm mitt Igg wardrobe antique desk mlac 3374 Arrow Ava Pleasant Rida KING SIZE-Bad with mattrau and box sprlngg Ilk now reasonable Make otter 531-646 Elding mower Chg pipe Mart 34" Mad Ian than 1 mo6 old 937ft Call 777-1456 PIANO Older upright Taber (125 naugahydt tola hide-a-bad S100 many mlac ttemg Call 777-1456 POOL Swimming pool Conn orpin all types of furniture Call 272-1057 after 4 Pm RECLINEE CHAIR-540 couch makaa bad 245 2-pc aactionaL Igg IB 21" TV 935 mlac 731-747 Admiral trie akiUrt Bold hida-a-bad Call 542-3072 REFRIGERATOR Call 191-3213 Dbl doercep-partona vary aood cond TV RCA Mack and white aood cond 441-7376 REFRIGERATORFREEZER Frtoidalra goad condition STB Call 7525594 (2) S35 S45 Couch 435 Air cool 5 roomg 9150 Call 731-2056 With 2 doers also large 5x5 all excel cond all white 2 and 3 years eld Call 221-27I7 RUG AND 12'xir nylon avocado frail vinyl rug refrigerator call 7529119 aft 4 mm Fader al Electronic Modal P15A and Federal Junior Beacon inc bar tor reel mounting 441-2141 SOFA 4 -pc (actional book cat paraom tabta steeper couch chain oil pal ntinua 662-4156 Maonavox Danish med-ami naw motor Coat S795 asking 9250221-0247 Gm 20-In Schwinn bike grill brick conveyor Call 771-3041 GE naw white 6 months okt S17ft Call 271-5N1 4xS-ft tor Road Raca or Train layout bathroom link with fbt-turn beige Cali TAPE 2 detachable speakers for home S7S Call 541-4091 TIRES (2) alia J7S-16 S10 tor both draisai size 16 zunburrt deck S10 mlac Call 91-5476 TUBE Modal BK 747 brand naw coat 924ft ull SISOi Call 5415571 Admiral eotorSTft Call 793553ft Color 13-In late modal (lift Patio couch chair 54ft Call TVa-Ona Mack and whltg ona cotor both in aood condition Call 431-271 Man's sMId fold Jutes Jorgenson cud S275 aacrifica alio man's ring Call 421-9431 Horn Imprevment 50b Don't Replace- Refact eld kitchen cabinet with beautiful FORMICA doara and drawer frond for 50 teas than naw cabined Choose from 5 baautlM woodgrains shown in Better Homes ft Gardens For tree estimates call CAB I NE PAK KITCHENS MI-MOO BBBBBBBBBBBBB WantetHoBuy AAA CASH tor used furniture or appliances Immediate Pickup call 251-5447 ABLE TO PAY MORE FOR PIANOS FURNITURE 621-2288 ACE 68 1701 2 Pays cash for used furniture appll-ancts antiques In mins 5419446 ACT Call Mag 72191ft Fuml-turg aaallancag anttouag plba ALL Cetar Also B-W TVs UHFworklna or not 4219141 AMMOND PAYS iMORE for fUrnihirg adnag ate Call 241-1455 CurvTO or straight china cabinet round tabtog other furniture china glass lampg etc SCHOLZ ANTIQUES 21-7514 21 5)41 Wa buy and Mil fin furniture paintineg Rook wood cut olasg Si Ivor old pewter dMto all cal-tactlbta Itemg EARLY'S ANTIQUE SHOP 131 -4133 123MAINST MILFORD a BOOKS CHINA GLASS Jewelry rlngg watches doll going Rookwood ptafura frames paintineg furniture doefcg NEVIU 431-3314 CASH FOR NEW OR USED FURNITURE CALL 471-1456 Old Frames ROEVER 431-WO PAPER-BACK BOOKS and comic bookg Wanted to buy Call 431-5142 STAINED-BEVELEOGtauwindowg doora pay cash S71-7115 anytime USED FURNITURE NEEDED Devs 421 -6346 Eves 431-7311 UTILITY Jwhaai goad condition Must be reas 351-5133 WE PAY cash tor Fraezera out at order (419071 461-5469 221530ft tttttttMtttttOMHM Leans All Mnd -53 From 93000 to 915400 an tha equity In yaurhouag Use tha money for any purpose Call AVCO FINANCIAL SERVICES 70)0 Readlna Rd Swilton Shopping Cantor 731 713ft 645 Walnut St 11-1440 MMMMMMMMMM Bank Leans -53c WE LIKE YO SAY YES! AYYHE PROVIDENT BANK MMMMMMMMM MeflrcvcW SceetEff AtTi CjMtoflArttoMrtli rMtGUmj wOrTCyCN Utod Bika Sola 72 YAMAHA! YAMAHA 240 MX 71 KAWASAK1 175 Dirt 71 BULTACO 200 Sharp 71 KAWASAKI 100CC Traitooaa 70 YAMAHA RTl: 70 SUZUKI 250 70 SUZUKI 500! '49 YAMAHA II '44YAMAHA29 TBMOUNTYSfORTCYCLE Graatar CincimiatP laraast YAMAHA-HODAKA DEALER 11530 Springfiaid Me It4 771-1400 Man-Fri 10to Sat 10 to 5 BRIDGESTONE 350-GTR '7ft atkin 9400 tow mllaapa KB-IMO 771 Thunderbolt vary low mllaapa cuatom paint laat mirrorg 12" extended forks cuatom front wheal 91000 firm Call S4254H Harley-Davidson SAVE-SAVE-SAVEl NcwNartvyGSccMM Bike tBf New Harley $33f New Hertey 12Scc Repido U9S New Harley asoecSerinl S7V5 FREE HELMET WITH 4NV ABOVE Also a beautiful selection ttw MKino of ttw Highway Electraalide" 74 In 1900cc model fully eautet act nswl SAVE I THE TIMEI MOTORCYCLE SERVICE COL 1375 TENNESSEE AVE 2424100 OPEN DAILYltoft INC SAT HARLEY'S Spartstor All naw Call 41-4422 Top nama brand factory 2ndg laa Mtodton tow prictg NEW 1S-HP TRACTOR 9095 Hrtl'o Tractor Soloo 724-7432 SHEEP-5 Ewag I buck 5100 Peach Peach Grove call 3054547 WE'LL BEAT ANYONE'S DEAL FREE INTEREST 'TIL MARCH 1 1973 ON ANY NEW "MASSEY FARM TRACTOR NO PAYMENTS 'TIL NEXT YEAR BUSINESS IS GOOD AT: NUGENT TRACTOR SALES HWY SO LAWRENCEBURG IND OMMOOOHMHOMMHH Pets 47e ADORABLE kittens 7 weeks box trained FREE 441-1432 BIRDS FINEST SELECTION INCINTI TAME AND TALKING PARROTS BE BE E'S TO AMAZONS PARAKEETS CANARIES FINCHES PIT CENTEZ $42-2226 CANARIES Parakeets full line of supplies Call 941-5093 or 521-5092 FREE to good homt (3) darling kit-tmondmottir242-45f3L LOVE That' all our puppies and klttoni need All are medically sound CALL SPCA 541-5100 3 adults oadigra Fra to good home dec iewvd 3413434 SIAMESE Purebred Scalpoint box train rail 151-3254 aft 6 SIAMESE Seel point pur-tbreg box trained 915 791-0430-SKU Dascantad 5 me old S75 931-4707 Pegs A-l Canine We buy pupa dogl AKC or mixed Good homa 941-0077 Pups AKC brown and white 940 305513a BASSET AKC vet chocked Cell 3055304 Bassets AKC min UaUUiSg Mhui fwenrorr nvwni rw snup 4520 Cotoraln Groetbeck 7295027 BEAGLE AKC 4 weeks lamp shots wormed 925 Call 425-7104 Pups months AKC rag 925441-4827 AKC vat chocked terms boarding ethers 0255015 AKC 2 moles 1 tomato 2723564 BORDER Toy or large Toy Dachounds Danes Terriers 425-9465 CAIRN Tarrlan AKC vet chocked tarma others 025-3393 CHIHUAHUA AKC Hack and white mala standard size food brooding mete 93S 970 Mena Icq Price Hill AKC Mack mala 2 year theta 925 541-6704 AKC healthy pup-ptoo otud service 431-1147 AKC vat checked terms others 025-5005 co*ckER Shod wormed S25: Manchester Terrier 920 9415077 co*ckER Mixed vary cute healthy Sift Othargsift 941-4042 AKC vat chockad term ethers boarding 025-5041 COLLIE PUPPIES- wtu old 930 kittens SI 9615117 AKC pups or grown Rap-utabta breeder for 30 yra 637-3300 Shepherd pupa S10 co*ck-ar-Base la mixed SO 0255492 DACHSHUND 5 wk old wormed S30 each 341-9144 AKC beautiful Mack and tan pupa 441-007 AKC vat chocked terms othara 0253005 Chihuahuas Scottle-Pooa Pakeaooog others 431-1923 AKC 2 mala 4 S7S as Stud Service 251-3070 Male 7 wka AKC vet chocked temporary ahotx champion stock 71-1114 Pick at tha litter rad tomato 5 ma ears and shod tXIO 121-799 DOBERMAN Pupa 5 wka excellent Hock vet checked SI Oft Dobermans AKC Montart Helena Pat Shop 4520 Cotara in Groetbeck 7240027 FREE female Boxer no apart 4 231 -241ft Medium size mlxad brood male all ihod naeda fenced yard and GERMAN AKC mata otud make otter 7S2-74B3 GERMAN AKC vet checked tarma others Coll GERMAN SHEPHERD fomata with paptrs good watch doe trad tor any breed pup or ell Sift 451-4030 GERMAN SHEPHERD 4 wkt old Sea purebred parent Meta S3S temetaa S30 025-7413 GERMAN SHORT HAIRED POINTER AKC proven hunters and famllydog Call 739-2041 GOLDEN AKC vet checkad terms board 1253393 GREAT 5 wka champion Mood lines sol Id Mack Call 933-71 71 GROOMING Free pickup and delivery 425-7014 White purebred no pa-para S35 each 41-5340 IRISH AKC vol checkad forma others Coll 125333 LHASA AKC vat chockod Tarma Others Grooming 0253393 Miniature ley Terriers Exctpfionallyftnt punbmdf M14PH or 771-G224 OM tmWi AKC Monfort HGiohfi Pot Sfwp 653P Coffin OroGtb6dc 73X127 PAPILLIONS Docktor Pot Center BoochmontM Terra Ava lie bta 232-3777 Blond warmed Coll 41-53411 or block AKC vet chockad tarma others boarding B25-3393 Apricot mol 1 Vb years old Reaoonobl to good homa 752- POODLE AKC: mini excel btaodtines home-raised 232 544 POODLE AKC small mini blocfc slhror 3 mag 7523944 POODLE AKC stud aarvlca all cotara 031-7244 POODLE AKC toy vot chockad home raised (1) Mack mala (1) silver beige tomato STS aa 4425311 POODLE AKC 1 males 1 tomato Meek and tlivar ch Hnas vat checked S7S 231590 POODLE Toy apricot AKC I weak Call 752-1120 POODLE (2) Mack mata 4 weeks S3 aachBH-3427 POODLE waakaoid must sell make otter 921-1945 AKC miniature vot checkad STS and ua AIo eroomine 931-0991 AKC tlnytoyo shots stud aarvlca teas 5415714- AKC vat chockad 1253393 POODLES-Miniatura purebred 135 Canto AKC S35 941-4542 Toy AKC all colors pupa Stud Sorvtoa 7B-H71 White toy I Apricot otud 010ft Cell 251537 POODLES S15 up Cairns co*cke-poos Yorklpooa Term Broom beard 201514ft PUGS Faun with Mack 7 wka tamales MMOYEDS Docktor Pat Cantor Baachmant Malt Terra Ava I labia 2323777 AKC vat checkad tarma Others Grooming 125-5041 Min AKC motel tomato rtxoSHELTIES 363150 Mini AKC CH sired males 521-152 or 931 -0991 AKC vot checked terms others coll 025-3191 SCOTTISH TERRIER PUPPIES raa tamales rtoaonabl Call Carrollton Ky 7324004 eves wanes akc Montort Hoiohta Pot Shop 4520 Cotoraln Grotabocfc 72X827 SIBERIAN AKC tomato 12 moa eta 9124 941-2407 ST BERNARD AKC rouah or xroooth 043-1270 ST Spodod ourabrad no papers 90S each 475 9445 WANTED ta buy Gorman ahaahsrd or standard poodla mature mata will training lovlna home and companion rtilp Box 1014 cars Pest ft Timas- A CHANCE TO HELP YOURSELF white hatpin ofharg Thto li a reward- ina Interettlng mail biMii is Ida only ona of If kina i operate if Raaaanably prlead Locat ed In the eastern Met Ion aarvlna all of Greater Cintl Ta laarn mora about ttil unique opportunity write PO Bo jags cinti Ohio asm AFTERNOON Pap or Routa Hyde Park-Oaklay area TOO customers Call 721-1111 axt216 AMERICA'S mart popular dry clean-an and coin laundry ta opan a ana-hour Marllnliina rtora or Martin Coin Laundry Call now 15031 Ed Mc-Faddan BE YOUR OWN BOSS Company a I vn you comoMatra Inina on how to manaa your own bualnoM No FranchlM too 93500 Invoatment doubly aacurad In Inventory Call 11- D1 01 DJ and bulldina Findlay Mkt dlrtrlet By aopol nt-' afternoon 241-571 Nightclub-Pizza ahop Hyda Park 3 bualnaaaaa 929500 will fi-nanea 734-2979 Ml -41 34 COSMETICS Vivian Woodard Cosmetics subsidiary of General Foods No franchise fee S400 minimum Inventory Com-ptefa training and continual guidance at no cast For on Interview appolnt-mant 31-4334 DISTRIBUTORSHIP Openlne avsIlaM In Telado araa lor distributor of air purifiers tor both residential and commercial markets prosperous busintis with fart growing company Training and leado provided Small Investment required Call Collect (412) 4254411 ENQUIRER MO Dallies 300 Sundays OvaMha-Rhkw area SOIL Cal (351 -621 9 aft 7 pm FINANCING AVAILABLE PONY Northeast area delivery to turroundln area Established 3Syra Call 793-1311 GROCERY C-l C-2 beer llcanta due to bad health aacrifica S2000 Kan's Grocery 132 Clifton Ava 721-SOTIaftarft GUN For salt Call 563421 HOME AND BUSINESS S-room boarding home S300 mo In-coma will toll root 301-6270 Drydoonora nice retiring aacrifica 931-5143 Unuor store and carryout Good location 4501 Decourtoy Ava Latonla Ky aft 2 am PONY KEG Cl-l Mason araa S100000 orota aalaa par year good net profit low over head off-street parkin Faya Redmond 1321230 with Harrison Green and Son Realtor 431-4304 Household Oeods AAAA SPECIALS CREDIT NO HOBUM NEW FURNITURE STEREOS APPLIANCES Phone VaerBppUsaltaaBsdayt aw HfiMnwi wood 121-4301 302 WYOMING A VL LOCKUNO OHK) ACT NOW REPOSSESSED HwmFulofFumifuiv and Appliances TSTHSOUIMMCDUTBT MUST II EASY CREDIT TERMS ARRANGED $274 Wanted rrtlahta party to taka owarbal-ance of 4 complete rooms of furniture and appliance Consisting at a lone sofa and mrtchina club chair 2 decorator lamps Match Ins walnut lamp with co*cktail table room-si za rug and pwL The backroom slats of large double drtaaor tiltine mirror matter size chart and fullsize panel bad with holjywood frame 7-wllh ham place dinette let foam ctialra and mar-praoMop Admiral Refrigerator Freezer with full width freezer chart and door shelves full-aiza as ranee 6 place bunk bad outfit converts ta twin beds any room separately ISO today In storage ask for oroup number 124 Budget tarma arranged by phono for your ahopplno convanlanca Coll 041- Open Monday through Ttiunday HI 30 pm FrL-Sat Sunday till 5:30 pm Plenty of free parkin right at out GIANH BERTAVE APPLIANCES FURNITURE NO CREDIT REJECTS Credit requirement 21 end working WILLMAN FURNITURE CO 402 HAMILTON AVE 541-1956 BATHTUBS cabinet sinks wall-base cabinets Cheap Dealer ITDOEIm Now and uaad roll bat oncoo 25 per cent oft Coll 241-044S CREDIT-NO PROBLEM No credit good credit previous bad creditor bankruptcy We will help you to got ra-astabtishad Naw furniture atcraos TVs appliances for you Phono your application todealer Phona 542-271 2 DUPLEXES Spocfalpriceo onHotooint variety of aizat and cotara WAREHOUSE FURNITURE SALES lOOSWohwt 731-3700 KIRBY VACUUMS Renosiariad uaad rebuilt Save 10 to 20 Mr Taylor 521-5071 KZARLY HEW JBMCS 22 USED REMNANTS MILL RETURN NATIONAL CAIPHCa 920 RACE Dally toS Men BThuraV towy iftmtj bib idimmiR NEEDCKEDIT? FURNITURE APPLIANCES TV ECONOMY FURNITURE NORWOOD PLAZA SHOPFI NO CENTER 3100 Stock of Montgomery 531 If you need FURNITURE and you tired at bain REFUSED Phone 041 4101 MR GREEN hoi a working-men' plan for everyone NO TURNDOWNS ALL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED NO RED TAPE GfiBNMOfclUINnUR! TULMcWUAN USED-UNCLAIMED NEW 1 12 up QUEEN CITY CARPET 1622 VINE -4) Refrigerator-Freezers Over 500 all Al 525 up Race Rtfrio-arafton 209 Gilbert Ava at Faabtao Corner Btl-OOtBerStl-OSOO SEWING MACHINE SALEI Necchl Demo's and frede-lne Seve up to off Includes world-famous Necchl Zls-Zaas and automatics portables and contolaa Orta 090 la SJOO Now tram 137 up Hurry In Moat era of a kind Call 7310044 BRANT'ONECCHI SEWING CTR 1732 RACE AT FINDLAY MKT Dally 25:30 Man Thuratal SINGER AUTOMATIC TOUCH SEW SLANT NEEDLE monograms rngnds Mind hams buttons Maple canaolt Sold new Over 9400 now MO 50 or makapymtg FEEE HOME TRIAL 401-1430 0 Om to 0 pm HAMCO 3024 North Band SINGER StanhOMatic In big cabinet Sewi on butteni maka button hoiai mane-grama blind harm Twin needles ate Over at designs all without ah tachments Sold new 0400 now OH Will taka trade-in Over so other machines ready to eo Mack's Sawlno Machma Co Overtook and Oth Sts Price Hill Call 021-4154 SINGER 1972 GOLDEN TOUCH SEW Blind hams monoeramg darns many fancy daslana taw on buttons told naw ever 9450 new 9150 Terms can be arranged Fret Hama Trial Call 401-1430 1 6m to 9 pm HAMCO 9422 vocuum claanar aarvlca Claanad oiled raoiaca carbon brushea or belt Frao pick-up and delivery Call Galaxia 471-4445 4010 Gleiiway STEREO CLOSEOUT Just 14 laroa nama bland contolaa andcomponanta Moat with AM-FM atarsa radios tome with 0-track tapat Ail priced for fast sale from 974 Easy terms 731-0044 BRANT'S 1723 act at Findlay Mkt TAKE OVER PAYMENTS Customer's marriage broke up Ha returned rooms of now furniture Balance owing 92S720 Easy term arranged and It's your for the balance owino 920790 721-4034 Arrow Furniture 1714 Vino VACUUM CLEANERS Point damogad vacuum cteanorg still In factory carton complete wHh all 7 daanlna toois Reduced ta 91450 cash or terms avalilabla Call 741-422 HCa WASHERS $995 SELF DELIVERY CALL 7214347 ZAG SEWING MACHINE II modal dote all fancy-work even writat namag simply turn lover and law Price roducad to 930 carti orict btcouoa of small ocrotchoo In shipping or tarm available Coil 341-122 HCa 3-ROOM OUTFIT Llvlno roam includes or rocker 3 tobies 1 lompa consisting of full-size bed chest drassar and mirror and vanity I Dinette sot with mar -proof tebio and 4 chain BOND SAVES YOU MORI lUUlCfifMTlHMS BOND FURNITURE 513 Loveland Madeira Rd Lovrtend Antiguds DELTA THETA TAU Antique Soot 9th 11 am to 10 am and Sept 10 12 ml to 6 pm 4-H Fair Grauntfa State Highways 2IA and 5i Columbus Indiana Mas Is ava liable Mechindry and Joels ECOLOGY SPECIAL GE Electrek HALL'S 724-7422 NEW 15HPTRACT0R 9495 Hall's Tractor Satos 724-7422 TRENCH JACKS Pump water main cuttors bockhoawronchaa 41-7049 Garden Tracters 45b ALLIS CHALMERS Gordon Equipment Clearance Sale '72 medeli through Sept 15 341-6657 ECONOMY CLOSE-OLJT 72 Models HALL'i 724-7422 NEW 15HP TRACTOR 995 Hall's Tractor Sole 724-7422 Maiicel fififehan jie CUSTOM-BUILT ORGAN Rocantty Instollod In TERMINAL THEATRE UNION TERMINAL CINTI Intorostod parties Invitod to coll 591-15)5 attar 1 am tar appointment to Impact and play or come to th thaw Organ ployad baton shew Fri Sat and Sun 7:15 am Cuatom cost NO MORE USUALLY LESS than camps nDli production typo orooni md you pay ONLY tor what you order NO unwanted 4xtrea For details contact HIGHLAND OBGAN SALES So 517 HMIlbora 045133 Phone 5133934130 day or night TUMOR Yamaha large bore pro-feosional model 5 mot old silver plated Make offer 174-2333 or 761-5334 os Organs ORGAN PIANO SALE Used spinet piano 9250 New apbitt pianos $350 2 manual organa 9395 ChsoM from Baldwin Kimball ate HENDERSON MUSIC 431-2111 WURLITZERCO 3 LOCATIONS 70 RACE 431-0172 TRI-COUNTY MALL 471-3200 BE ECHMONT MALL 232-4000 TVSterto Badie COLOR COMBO JUSTTakan back AM-FM Starao and color TV Sold new 979995 Belanco due 922470 or Easy Terms arranged Call tar Frae Horn Trial SHOPPERS APPLIANCE CENTER 729-1750 COLOR Rant with option to buy a color portable or conoote caZanith Admiral or Packard Boll Coll 231-5597 RCA COLOR Jurttokon back 22" color TV BoauH-tut walnut cablnot Sold now 9599 Bat-anco 92(7 or Easy Credit Call tor Fra hom*o Trial SHOPPERS APPLI-ANCE CENTER 72a 1750 Fermtrs' Market ALLIS CHALMERS Garden Eaulp-mont Clearance Sale '72 medal through Sept 15 341-4457 APPLES You may pick your own choice fruit and sava open 7 doy a waak NI Hot- PAILOBGIOVEFAIM 999 River Rd Ilabron Ky Phono 450-444B 4 ml las West or Andonen Ferry on Ky I Wart Vaughn Hsmpftlno and Milton Holt DEAD STOCK REMOVAL 24 hr a day 7 da yea woak 321-290 ECONOMY Tractors 14 hp Truck-load Mle all year drive Tractor Salsa 7309954 FARM ISO Mwzey Har-ria 101 Jr tri-cycl typo with 7 ft brush hoo attached will toko 0500 tor all generator nude repair Call 793-722 FORD Wide frort 01100 John Door model 101 (L Hv power new tlraa pow ataarino 91450 Naw BudiHea 250 1 large si lag anoona Cell 7347151 FREE Harm manure all you wantl 371 -2510or 271-2052 FRESH Doliuory 15 dozen or moro whelaaalo prices 5763X2 GARDEN Tractors I to 14 tip dosina out '72 models Savel Coonars Tractor Sales 7309154 GILSON 15hp 9095 HALL'S 724-7122 JOHN DEERE 450 Loodr-Oraut4 In 1 bucket in perfect condition must SOIL 9450B 455-7343 Melon f-Graps SEEDLESS WATERMELONS-CRANSHAWS ora ripe at the WOLFER MELON FARM A be many vegetable a pick your own crapes tar wins luica or taffy On State Routa 743 4 mils tram Moscow Moscow la 7 mils al New Richmond on Rt 59 A pleasant' ridt In th country out part ok) Coney I aland Phona 1-574331 7 Howohold Goods Ta buy litters of pupa does AKC or mixed Call 941-5)60 WELSH AKC vet chockad Terms Bearding Others 035-3393 WEST HIGHLAND Torriort AKC vf ctwchodaformCMJW WIRE FOX AKC PUP-pia7wfcody2M5i1 YORKSHIRE TmtIgtsAKC Vt cnMCMMDt wmib bbiihi "ttuPi YORKSHIRE Tarriarg 935 ug Calms Terms other breads 291 514ft HerbdS A Iqule 47c A NICE Ta board a horsa largo stalls Indoor riding arena tack shop convenient location CIRCLE ST ABLES 371 3510OT 371-2052 By month Walnut Croak Stabtas (lit Bridgetown Rd 4425421 or 941 -7426 HORSE or Stack Trallarg naw and uaad Elk Brand Gramco 245 Mill-villa Ava Hamilton phona 1592-2541 HORSES BOARDED-52 acrag on Rt Ill next to Indian Croak Reserve near Lake Larali Circle Bar Stablas Call 241-245 975-2072 HORSE SHOW ranch Hill VFW Ball FteM Sept and- 10th 27 Events rain date Sept lath and 17th For mare Information call Clyde Phi laps 4BS4216 HORSES-Saddtoa and bridlag 7525279 or 7g5a6 (2) must sail Buckskin and Quarter Horsa paint aril or trads 3459136 INDOOR ARENA Boarding com-ptoto carg S70 ma you toad S50 mg 541505ft MOST Galdlng In county Excat 1st hang S250 4S1-52M IS hands 5 yra eld Sami IS handa 4 yra aid anybody can ridt- 371-3479 aft 5 pan 12 hands 4 yra dead (addle horsa slightly spirited 4125 1-174-2747 REG ARABIAN GELDING-3 years okt excel tent conformation 443-790 REG ARABIAN Vto: broke to rid Call 751-1273 REGISTERED mar 7 year old 5hewn xucceaatully Call 732-0546 REG quarter horsa must sail 726-7106 REG QUARTER HORSES Arabians midart panda aradt 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SAVE BELOW TODAY'S MARKET All etnas ere air conditioned All have extra largo storage All are complete with 2 sets of steps All are fully skirted Hart your opportunity to move to Yorktowna GndmatTs only 4 Star home park and five in a like-new mobile home that you'll save big money an hnmedrat occupancy low bank rate financing vary small down payment eded PHONE 777-6065 Affordable Mobile Homes dba Bilik's Mabilo Homes Wa stack only Nari Ad Hamas WINDSOR Wa also buy and sail used mobile homes 3357 Dixie Hwy Rt 4 HAMILTON a I44S0l Opan weekdays Sat 0-7 Sun 11-6 No Ml charge Cincinnati or Northern Kentucky ATTENTION: BY I year aid 1-Oadroom home aklrtlna awning shad Ready ta mows Into Call SS3-73S4 or Ssa-IVlf ATTRACTIVE Takt ovtr paymentg Call BHflt BOANZA BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL: It AND 14 WIDE: 1 AND I BEDROOMS LARGE LOTS AVAILABLE 5534379 BROADBIPPLERUN PAR SALES RT SI MOSCOW a BRISTOI 14x45 3-bed room IV bathe Call MI-7373 12x4iJ-bedroom 1W baths carpet storms Move In Taka over paymanta SUM Call MI-7371 BkNNVUMMI HOMES HAS ARRIVED IN CINCINNATI PLEASE STOP ANDSEEUS FOR OUR: PK-OKNMeSKCUU (FORMERLY SKYLINE MOBILE HOMES) 7110 WOOSTER 541-5440 7i ins air con aquipt kitchen unfurnlshad SMO down and taka over S31-S317 FOR RENT Mobile home storage! mcntti or year 749-OaM GOND ALL NAME BRAND HOMES NOW DRASTICALLY REDUCEOI iAVtUFTOJIOOOMi MNMmrs Price Mobile Home Canter S42S Dixit Hwy (Rt4) Fairfield (74-SI 73 3 mL North of l-27Son Rt4 ASK ABOUT OUR "FAMOUS RENTAL-PURCHASE PLAN" Man-Fri 5 Set Oft Sun 1-5 HAZELHURST MOBILE Formerly Larry Wetach Com St Rt 115 East of Amalia New Schultz Homes and trade-ins Prices start S4100l Opan II sjtl dally Sun 1 an 753-562 RUUNjers UNOtaast IWOOSTSS ai-4aai LOOKING FOR A NEW MOBILE HOME or a aood clean used ona? trading hleh dollar far fuml-tura trailer or car ate BLUE SKIES home! LAWRENCEBURG IND 537-1720 HARRISON OHIO I7-373 MOBILE Reaaonabte 1 bedrm exert cond carpet air cond 1 unfum on a lovely priv lot that can be ranted Call 734HS1 MODULAR MARLETTE 34x43 Built pracisa In every detail AXoonditpiey -HOMES M000 AND UP sxmRtncu Rt 2ft MILFORD 0031-5700 NEW 2-BEDROOM Mobile Homes $3995 LOTS AVAILABLE FURNITURE ACCEPTED AS DOWN PAYMENT MILFORD PARK AND SALES 1 VO MILES EAST OF MILFORD ON US RT 50 CALL SJ1 -4414 SttlSMSttt1 OFFICE TRAILERS FOR RENT OR CALL 764802 RE-POSSESSED-MUST SELL CALL 753-470 SQUIRE 1 2 x5' ilka naw central air aterm rtrirtina ancleaad pattn Take over payanants 792940L Search for bargains? Check todays Classified Ads and SAVE! THE IN COUNTRY LIVING JUSTWMIN FROM DOWNTOWN Cl NTL THE VERY BEST" CRESTVIEW LAKE VILLA BE SURE TO SEE BEFORE YOU MIYIII OPEN AM TIL DARK-7 DAYS A WEEK 371-4J20 2IG ZAG RD FLORENCE KY Busimss Indus fas Eastern lection statins capacity 54 good carry out trads maka attar Ratlrlng Box 29ft co Post 4 Timas Star 1 COLERAIN 700 BUSINESS IBMt front age i llfttt daptti Includes nalshbarhood bar S-roam Itausa growing araa DON SCOLA 651-1641 225100 FINE HOMES OF AMERICA AlflMHU MBBk Form Country Heines A BEAUTIFUL OLD 2-STORY rick haute with 10 rooms 3 belha about 3 acres of around that ossa to tha river This house wot built In 1003 and has had only 1 ownon It has a walnut winding stairway You must aao this to appreciate It's beauty 72 ACRE Wiltl 1772-lb tobacco boss Broom 2-story house wHh water -ooodoulbuildinsa Priced to aalL COURTNEY WH ITHAM Real Estate IWWMalnSt Vevay Ind Phone 427-301 3 BLANCH ESTER-WHIT ACRE RD S5ACRES VACANT LAND SMALL LAKE OPEN TO OFFER BOBBIE BUSSEIL 6B3-096I plott Branch Office 9044 Col-Cinn I Westchester 777-22S1 PROFESSIONALS MAKE THE DIFFERENCE CLINTON COUNTY PLUS Rolling wooded Good drains aa WILMINGTON AREA Call Elnora Torros: 034143 COLONIAL Four unit anarhnant btdsi 7 acres aartact retirement retreat with income MS acres MO acres prim bottom land modern brick hom*o south of Laurat Ind an St Rt 121 JFacre farm good loo house on Gobblers Knob lust south of Cedar Grove 31 7-647-5271 31 7-647-4222 NEAR VERSAILLES II farm both woods and crop land baau-tiful location by owner Days 41- nra S8A0D SMALL FARM WITH BARN Spacioua medamliad homa an acre Ideal for horses minutes iNorthgate BOB PR PROBST73B-172S ROBERS 131- mi OUTSIDE DILLS BORa IND 122 ACRES 40 acre of bottom balance In pasture and woodad hilts has 7-room house 2 barns other out buildings approximately 44-mite frontaaa on Lauahary Creak Tobacco and earn basa 241- Lets end Acreage -37 BRIDGETOWN Beautiful 15x19973 Norihgato Dr all utillHeg Prastlotarea ONLY $8900 669-7M0 Besert Preps far Sale CAMP an Groat Miami River must ba assn to ba appreciated Call 471-43 or 2410774 FALMOUTH Kincaid Lake Large waterfront tots Ideal far re-tlrg perm home 3549245 291-7551 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE Lot 444 Call 711-1417 LOT FOR HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE CALL 461-0631 MILFORD Along Little Miami Rlv-4 rooms 25x35 actaanad parch oil contents included approx 1 acre ground Owner MI-3443 bobooobobobboooooobooo Exchange Beal Estate EAST Trad ua or sail peaal-bla 4-famlly plug storage araa opartmont ranted S2I1 monthly I nova same carti Call 71-2377 tttttttMtttttttttttttl Wonted Beal Estate ALL CASH FOR YOUR pay more 2M-7MB AMERICAN HOME EXCHANGE INC Want! house with FHA or VA ioan-Call 322-2100 A-l PROPERTY BUYER CALL 241-4314 BOB AND DICK mil buy your property Closing within 4 days Frag ap-pralsa I No obligations 31 -736 CALL ED Caih tor or rmMtown homes 321-1150 CASH FOR YOUR PROPERTY CALL EDGUILFOYLE 091-7777541-4177 CASH FOR YOUR PROPERTY CALLCOWLES 791-4000 frfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfr IMMEDIATE CASH For your 1 or 2-fam I lies Pout 021-242 IMMEDIATE I or 1-tomlly houass CASH Coll 522-7532 TRANSFERRED WE ASSUME LOAN CALL FRAN KLIN REALTY 521-4X8 HtHHHttttHttttHH tarifM Iqutpnwit Hydraulic chair good condition roosonobte 221-5090 BE AUTY aelon equipment modern for 2 operators ttoaaanabla 421-17M homa 931-0493 CASH NEW RECONDITIONED COOLER Marketaorl year old Coll 371-2313 RESTAURANT Booth and tabtoo good cond 1 -399431 MesoaD RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT COMPLETE RESTAURANT 111 tainma stoat line and exhaust ays-lam ttoolt counters sink frtazsr boxes atalnlaaa work tablta all or part Call 331-0010 attar 4 am SHOE REPAIR MACHINERY Leather Goods and Noels Call 441- 01 OB (TELEPHONE anawarina machinea IRant or buy vocation iaacW 91) ma Dtctaohene Doator CBM 121-1711 phona cell coat you why should I est so exeitod about doing my thing Whan I nava your fathor right htro to do it for ms?" 4 ft.

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About The Cincinnati Post Archive

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The Cincinnati Post from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)


When did the Cincinnati Post close? ›

December 31, 2007

What is the main newspaper in Cincinnati Ohio? ›

The Enquirer/ is the No. 1 news source for the Greater Cincinnati metro area, according to comScore.

What is the black newspaper in Cincinnati? ›

CincinnatiColored PatriotWeekly
CincinnatiThe Cincinnati CrusaderMonthly newspaper
CincinnatiThe Cincinnati HeraldWeekly
CincinnatiColored CitizenWeekly
59 more rows

Where is the Cincinnati Enquirer? ›

Driving directions to Enquirer Building Cincinnati Ohio 45202, 312 Elm St, Cincinnati - Waze.

What was the old department store in Cincinnati? ›

Shillito's, Cincinnati's first department store, was founded in 1830. It appears that Shillito's was the earliest department store in the city to offer a retail food service. Shillito's Every-Day Cook-Book was published by Edna Neil for its store's customers in 1905.

Does the New York Post still exist? ›

The New York Post is the ninth-largest circulation newspaper in the U.S. as of 2023.

What is Ohio's largest newspaper? ›

The Plain Dealer, Ohio's largest newspaper and top advertising source.

What is Cincinnati most famous for? ›

In the 1800s, German immigrants settled in Over-the-Rhine and started brewing beer—so much beer in fact that Cincinnati came to be known as the “Beer Capital of the World.” Today Cincinnati is still famous for beer and is home to over 50 breweries.

Is Cincinnati, Ohio a good place to live? ›

Cincinnati is in Hamilton County and is one of the best places to live in Ohio. Living in Cincinnati offers residents an urban suburban mix feel and most residents rent their homes. In Cincinnati there are a lot of bars, restaurants, coffee shops, and parks.

What was the most widely read black newspaper? ›

Pittsburgh Courier (1911-2002) One of the most nationally circulated Black newspapers, the Pittsburgh Courier reached its peak in the 1930s.

What is the name of the most widely circulated black-owned newspaper? ›

On February 6, 1956, The Defender became The Chicago Daily Defender, the largest black-owned daily in the world. In 1965 Sengstacke purchased The Pittsburgh Courier, including it in his "Sengstacke Newspaper chain," along with such papers as The Michigan Chronicle in Detroit, and The Tri-State Defender in Memphis.

What was America's first black newspaper called? ›

Freedom's Journal. Founded on March 16, 1827 as a four-page, four-column standard-sized weekly, Freedom's Journal was the first black-owned and operated newspaper in the United States, and was established the same year that slavery was abolished in New York State.

What is the largest newspaper in Cincinnati? ›

The Enquirer has the highest circulation of any print publication in the Cincinnati metropolitan area.

Why is Cincinnati called the Queen City? ›

Cincinnati's claim to the “Queen City”

To the Queen of the West, In her garlands dressed, On the banks of the Beautiful River. This was a reference to the vineyards* in the Cincinnati area that grew in the surrounding hills, and the “Queen of the West” refers to the city of Cincinnati itself.

How did Cincinnati get its name? ›

In 1790, Arthur St. Clair, governor of Northwest Territory established Hamilton county. He also disliked the name Lasantiville and changed it to Cincinnati. Named after a Roman citizen soldier, Cincinnatus.

Who bought the New York Post? ›

In 1976, Rupert Murdoch, creator of Fox News, bought the Post for US$30.5 million. Since 1993, the Post has been owned by News Corporation and its replacement, News Corp.

When did the Houston Post close? ›

The Houston Post later closed permanently, with the final edition printed on April 18, 1995. Its assets and liabilities were acquired by Hearst Corporation, the publisher of the Post's rival daily Houston Chronicle.

What time does mail run in Cincinnati? ›

Weekday and Weekend hours
Wednesday10:21 AM06:38 PM
Thursday08:43 AM07:13 PM
Friday09:39 AM06:27 PM
Saturday09:32 AM06:09 PM
2 more rows

What is the circulation of the Cincinnati Enquirer? ›

The Cincinnati Enquirer
The Cincinnati Enquirer front page on March 6, 2019
TypeDaily newspaper
HeadquartersCincinnati, Ohio
Circulation30,138 daily 46,542 Sunday (as of Q3 2022)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.