St. Joseph News-Press from St. Joseph, Missouri (2024)

ch errors lessen the value of 'the ad. claims for adjustment must be made thin 5 days after. insertion. No alwance will be made where error does materially affect the value of le ad. The News.

Corporation reserves the ght to classify Want Ads under proper ladings. WANTS News-Press- -Gazette want ads accepteither at downtown office or at South Joseph office, 234 Illinois avenue. Telephone your Want Ads for the St. seph News-Press and the St. Joseph azette, 4-0831, when it is more convenat to do so, and the collector will call thin a day or two after the a ad inted.

This is an accommodation servrendered our Want Ad patrons and yment should be made promptly upon rat presentation bills. Bills for ads than two days are also payle on presentation--not at the exration of Always ask that the ad be repeated to by the ad-taker to be sure it has en taken correctly. The News Corration assumes no responsibility for rors in telephoned ads. south Side Office, 234 Illinois Avenue Telephone 8-0336. GENERAL CLASSIFICATION day, daily News-Press and Gazette or Sunday News-Press and' Monday Gazette 23c line line days line Minimum 2 Lines RENTALS REAL ESTATE LISTS (70.

Lines or More) day, daily News-Press and Gazette or Sunday News-Press and Monday Gazette line days line. line Minimum 2 Lines SITUATION WANTED day, daily News-Press and Gazette or Sunday News Press and Monday Gazette 15c line Off for Cash With Order Minimum 2 Lines Want Ads will be received until, 11 m. for The News-Press of ablication, 9 p. m. for The Gazette the receding night, 10 p.

m. Saturday for he Sunday News-Press and from m. until 10 p. m. Sunday for The onday Gazette.

Errors, not the fault of the advertiser Ill be adjusted by free insertion, it TRADES UNRN COUNCIL 23 ANNOUNCEMENTS Funeral Directors. George J. BeGole Frank A. Bowman John W. Karle Heaton-BeGole Bowman Funeral Home (Established 1842) Ambulance Service, 10th and Sylvanie: Phone 2-3355 EIERHOFFER Funeral and home, Farn.

2-3331. O. Sidenfaden Son meral Home: 1802- Union- 9-4128: R. Sidenfaden Mortuary, 5. 2-8446: 602 LEEMAN'S 20th at Phone 2-3366 Frederick Deaths.

VARTZ-Lura Myrtle, aged 53. died at her home in Rosendale Monday orning. Survived by her husband. dward A. Swartz: two sons.

Doris cil and Edmund Norman. both of psendale: one sister, W. R. padwich of Rosendale. Funeral 2 p.

m. Rednesday at Christian Church in osendale. Burial Bennett Lane Cemery. Breit Funeral Home in charge. GNON- 2302 Sylvanie, passed away Feb.

3. Remains Fleeman's Chapel, where the rosary 11 be recited Tuesday, Feb. 4. at m. Funeral services eb.

rancis 5. at Xavier Church Wednesday, 9 a. Rev. Anthony Meyer urther ficiating. Burial Mt.

Olivet Cemetery. information call Fleeman's, 3366. YATT-Mrs. Burket Nettie, passed on Feb. 3rd.

Council Bluffs, Iowa. Her mains will arrive in St. Joseph Tuesy evening and will be taken. to the me of parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Earl yatt, 2720 Patee: removed the Presbyterian Church Wedesday, Feb. 5th, at noon state p. m. when services will be conacted by Dr. E.

B. Whitcomb. Interent, Mount Auburn Cemetery. MEIERHOFFER FUNERAL HOME 2-3331 DEL -Mrs. Elsie aged 58 years, at the residence of her sister, Mrs.

heresa Duvall, Monday morning. Mrs. Fidel is at Heaton-BeGole Bowman lapel where services will be conducted Rev. J. N.

Boyd Wednesday, Feb. 10:30 a. m. Interment, Mount Mora metery. Card of Thanks.

WISH THANK our many. friends, especially Mr. Charles Beaty nd warehouse employes, also Rev. hemer. for their kindness and gymatby shown at the death of our wife id mother, Lena Weber: also for floral ferings and use of cars.

Mr. Weber, br and Daughters. PAVING TO BE EXTENDED ap in Route No. 4 at Ravenwood Will Be Closed. MARYVILLE, Feb.

-The completion of the aving on highway No. 4 east of Taryville the edge of Ravenrood is planned by the state highray department, E. W. Gray, vicehairman of the commission, said bday. The commission will receive bids the paving of the biles long--from the end of the resent paving to the junction of lighways 4 and 46 on 24.

the work will be broken up into hree projects. The present sevenda miles of paving was laid last ummer on the road from Maryille east. Tuesday, February 4, 1941 THE ST. JOSEPH NEWS PRESS 15 1 Situation Wanted, Men. MARRIED, S.

MAN to Powers, work on Gentry, farm Mo. by Situation Wanted, Women. PRACTICAL NURSE or housekeeper in motherless home. Dial 8-0412. GIRL wants housework or care of children, more for home, than for wages.

2201 Felix. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities. WANTED TO BUY Grocery, meat market in small towny Pay cash. H. L.

Edson, Mooresville, ROOMING HOUSE, close in. good location: rooms, nicely furnished; full. Write 585. GROCERY FOR SALE- -Doing excellent business. Must sell at once account of sickness.

Write 586, on. Gazette. Personal and Salary Loans. READY AT ONCE $15.00 to $1,000.00 Start 1941 off with a clean record. Consolidate your debts with a loan from us.

BALARY LOANS LOANS LOANS CO-MAKER LOANS COMMERCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO. N. W. Corner 7th and Francis Loans Within 100 Miles of Made, Joseph LOANS FOR LESS Rates Below Lawful Maximum on loan Monthly balances on Monthly, of of or less the unpaid baland ance above $100. Repay only $5.43 monthly on A $100 loan.

$10.67 on $200, and $15.82 a $300 loan on our 25-month plan. LOANS MADE TO MEN OF DRAFT AGE COMMONWEALTH LOAN CO. 202 SCHNEIDER BLDG. LOANS AT REDUCED RATES Cash Amount you pay back each Loan month (including all charges) You 6 mos. 12 mos.

Get loan loan loan loan 25 4.54 2.44 50 9.08 4.87 100 18.15 9.75 6.41 5.43 150 27.16 14.56 9.56 8.07 200 36.13 19.33 12.65 10.67 300 54.02 28.82 18.80 15.82 visit office. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION 402 Tootle S. W. Corner 6th and Francis 4th Floor. Over Power and Light Company.

Phone 2-5495 J. D. MACK, Mgr. Charges on Icans now per month on the first $100 of a balance and per month on that part of a balance in excess of $100. No endorsers.

Loans made on your signature or on furniture or auto. No credit inquiries of friends or relatives. To apply, phone, write or PERSONAL and auto loans at lowest rates. Mechanics State Bank, 2-7769. TOOTLE-LACY NATIONAL BANKLow rate savings payment loans; sonal, auto, home improvement loans: co-maker, taxes, loans of all kinds.

See or call us first. Phone 2-4421. Need Money for Taxes and Other Bills--Come to Us -Borrow the money here ask about our easy payments. Come in any time and your money needs with our friendly, experienced loan officers. We are friendly home folks, easy to deal with, and a sincere wish to help you.

CITIZENS LOAN AND SAVINGS CO. WE PAY ON SAVINGS 614 Francis Phone 2-4425 Park Bank Personal, auto 10th. and Penn Auto Loans. AUTO LOANS CASH For Winter Needs Furniture, Co-Maker and Collateral Loans PROMPT SERVICE ST. JOSEPH FINANCE AND LOAN CO.


8TH-PHONE 4-1940 Building and Loan Ass'n. 513 Francis. Collateral Loans. Morris Plan Auto, collateral FHA, co-mak- loans 39 low AS 5th and Francis. Real Estate Loans.

LOANS ON ST. JOSEPH and suburban property, terms to suit. The Provident MERCHANDISE FOR SALE Miscellaneous for Sale. SHAFTINGS. nangers and pulleysMachine 215 2d st.

STOVES, RANGES, steam tables, cash registers. lockers, opera chairs, fire extinguishers, dishes, glasses, silver. ware. St. Joseph Transfer Co.

POOL tables, fixtures, meat cases, cool ers, booths, chairs. Ehrlich Mfg. Co. Hardware 621 Old Messanie Reliable, st. Miller's 4-2980.

E. A. PENCE: Mound City, delivers 130 D. E. razor blades, $1: sells regular gas.

12.9. buys automobiles. SPECIAL OFFERS Used Electric Washer. Electric Refrigerator 19.95 Electric Refrigerator 39.95 00 Good Used Electric Console Radios 5.00 Table-Model Used Battery Radio, complete, MONTGOMERY WARD CO. Household Goods.

2-PIECE VELOUR living room suite, $19, 4-piece walnut bedroom suite, 8-piece walnut dining room suite. $37.50: rooms repossessed furniture. Jackson's, 307 S. 6th. MAY TAGS $39.50.

-Several late Guaranteed models like priced new. Terms. THE MAYTAG SHOP 407 Felix 4-3039 BEDROOM SUITES. $27.50. St.

Joseph Furniture Auction Co. SPECIAL REMOVAL SALE Used washers, refrigerators, floor samples, demonstrators; Dexters, Thor, Voss. Apex, Meadows, Maytag, Faultless. $10 up, all guaranteed perfect con dition. Buy now, save, at our new location.

Haecker Electric new loca tion. 412 S. 6th. Dial 4-2375. ESTATE HEATROLA.

4-room size, good condition: 1-burner oil heater. 2802 Monterey, COMPLETE solid walnut antique bedroom suite with Jenny Lind bed. box spring mattress; good condition. 1113 Church. Building Materials.

HEAVY STOCK OF USED lumber: brick; cement. 32c. slate roofing. $1.40 boxing. $2.

Hastings Lbr. and Wrecking -1111 S. 8th. 2-1301. ROCK WOOL.

sack. 75c. barn sash. 65c: A barrel lime, $2.40: plaster, 85c. Garfield Ave.

Lumber. 4-5105. CEMENT 52c. aX shingles $4.40. hex shingles.

$3.20. 90-pound slate: $1.74 Independent Lumber 2-8492. STORM SASH. combination doors. roof ing.

used lumber. insulation. Biles Cut Rate br Co. 1420 8 4th 2-7763 TO SELL ANY BUSINESS is the business of a want ad Food Products. HARRIS cottage cheese.

Buttermilk. 12c. 2-5566. Sc; Hesnault babies. Holstein 2-5148.

Milk. Fine for WHIPPING CREAM. special 50c quart. Quality at makes food better Nelson Vogel Dairy: 4-1760. Musical Instruments, Radios.

BEAUTIFUL SPINET PIANO, will sell or rent. Riser's: 1005 Frederick. NEW 41 RCA Victor and 50 records; special low price and terms. ford's, 113 N. Typewriters, Office Supplies.

$5.00 RENTS any typewriter 3 months. Anderson. 820 Frederick. 2-2222. $5.00 months any Wyun, make 111 N.

typewriter 8th Wanted to Buy. Furniture, any amount. We Buy 2233 S. 6th, 2-8733. 2-6060.

OLD GOLD golt musical clubs, instruments, watches, jewelry, clothing, cameras, shotguns, typewriters, small radios, tools. etc. Arch Cable Loanbroker, 508 Edmond. RAGS, 50c: paper, 20c; brass, copper, lead batteries, iron, 4-2440: 9th, Patee. Hides- Furs Wool Guinn Hide.

120 Fur N. 2nd. and FURNITURE WANTED, highest prices paid for your furniture: 4-1569. Coal, Fuel. TIGER LUMP.

nut, $5.75 cash. Fogarty Coal and Grain. 2-1728. UNION $4.75. Genuine 4-0873.

Hard Novinger, ZERO COAL, 4-4873 Thrifty Semi, low ash. high heat: $9.25 Zerco Smokeless, none better. $10.00 Paris A Bonzo $9.50 Keno $5.50 Zero Spc. $5.15 Chefokee Lp. $6.50 Richmond $4.90 M.

T. $5.25 Zero Nut $5.75 COLWELL COAL, 2-8655 QUALITY PARIS A 89.80 GEM SMOKELESS. $9.75 ZENITH $6.40 ACE CHEROKEE $6.25 LUMP. $5.40, NUT. $5.10 Seitz-Campbell-Phone 4-0254 Paris, Grade Forked $9.35 Richmond Deep Shaft Lump, forked 4:50 Cherokee Genuine Lump, 5.75 Stoker, Dedusted, regular, Kansas 4.60 0.

K. Nut, forked 4.60 Franklin County, Illinois, forked 7.40 Add 40c Per Ton for Delivery Charge INMAN COAL, 2-1620 Paris A $9.25 Cherokee $6.25 Franklin 7.50 Black 5.50 Richmond Lp. 4.50/ Knoxville 4.75 Broken Bow Stoker 5.00 Labeled Elmira, Elmira Nut 5.00 STEMO. $6.25: JOMO. $5.50: Macola.

$7.50. McCue Fuel Co. Phone 2-6769. mond Paris Grade A $4.75: RichA 400 Richmond. delivered.

-2-1903. DEAL $8.85: Ric Paris Grade NEW $4.10: Elmira, Missouri $4.00: Mosby. $4.20: 40c delivery charge. 2-1885. KNEIB Richmond, stoker $4.90: coats.

Victor 4-1205. Hill. Richmond $4.65. Teem Knoxville, Coal, 4-4090. $4.65.

$4.50 Attebury Coal $4.50: 2-1784. Richmond, $2.50: Mosby. $4.75. All coal clean forked South Park Coal $9.25. Paris Labeled Elmira, $5.50: Richmond, $4.50: Moshy.

$4.75: Knoxville. $4.75. Townsend Mosby. Coal mond $4.75: 8-0705. slack, No Rich- $2.25.

DRY PINE Kindling, del. sawed, 2-6260. split. ECONOMY LUMP- Washed and waxed. $5.50 cash.

Lumbermen's. 2-7744. WOOD length. Hickory, 4-1473. oak, elm: stove Mo.

Sunshine Lump, $469 Nut. $4.46. All other. grades lowest prices. No delivery charge.

Segall Coal 4-1155. Elmira, $5.50 FARC unless Lump labeled (ReCoal. cobs or wood, Kindling load. delivered. 4-2555 Gen.

Hard Novinger $4.75 Phone 4-5473. -Cash Coal System. Guaranteed First Quality RICHMOND Forked $4.50 ELMIRA $5.50 No Delivery Charge SOUTH SIDE FUEL CO. 326 Missouri Phone 8-0208 SEMI. ILLINOIS, treated, stoker coals.

Window thermometer given with each order. 'Independent Lumber and Coal 2-8492. BRUCE Saraha. Dixie stoker Paris. coal: 4-3657.

WINSTON, ton, $2.25. Reynolds Coal 2-6077. $4.35 FL Van Sickle ton, Coal. $2.35: Mosby. 4-5582.

COAL. $4.75 RED STAR 1216 S. 10th-2-7355 Bill's $1: Coal Knoxville, -Richmond. $4.75. $4.50 400 2-7117.

$4.35 by. Richmond. $4.65. Lee ton. Coal, $2.35.

8-2029. FOR TOP COAL VALUES always for Tiger and Broken- coals. RICHMOND. $4.50. Mosby, mira.

$5.50. Armagost Coal, 2-7912. FOR GOOD COAL 2-7717 RICHMOND, $4.50: Missouri lump. Mosby, $4.75. Owens Coal COAL, 400 $1: cobs.

$1 load. Robinson. Free delivery. 4-5547. ARTESIAN HEAT IS HARD to Phone- 4-0013.

or 2-6517. Wearing Apparel. Suits, overcoats. $5. Unredeemed Louis, 324 Edmond Final, Chehrance Used Fur Coats As Low as $5 M.

B. KELLER, FURRIER 807 Francis RENTALS Furnished Rooms. Men Y. M. Comfortable C.

A. 10th. rooms. Faraon, Reasonable- 2-3344 COZIEST. CUTEST sleeping room in breakfast; gentleman, 2-6110.

CHARLES. 1020: desirable warm room. private home: garage: 4-1214. 12TH AND FELIX, northwest corner: 2 nicely furnished sleeping' rooms, good heat, continuous hot water: close und $3. SENECA.

2741: Tovely, southeast room, innerspring. automatic heat. 4-3060. SLEEPING, close in. extra warm, innerspring.

every convenience: 4-0009. FREDERICK. 1210; 2 housekeeping rooms, also 2-room apartment. sink. JULE.

1308: nice warm rooms, sleeping and housekeeping. 4-6192. Rooms With Board. WARM front room. twin beds.

good meals served family style: 2-6830. CLOSE IN, nice large room, board optional, gentleman preferred. MODERN. comfortable sleeping room and board: walking distance. 2-8543.

STA. N. 537; young comfortable warm home, board optional. Unfurnished Apartments. BEST neighborhood.

5-room modern, furnished if desired. 2-5251 evenings. ROBIDOUX, 724 available March 1, upper. rooms, strictly modern: heat. hot water, janitor and sanitation ice furnished.

$37.50: 2-7788. 10TH. 1315: 3-room efficiency. pribath, entrance, oak floors: heat. gas, water, garage; adults: $35.

MITCHELL 2733: upper duplex, four large rooms, insulated, screened porch, hardwood floors. UPPER 4-room modern, oak floors. paid. adults: $18. 2-1130.

22D 601: 5-room efficiency, utilities paid. except lights: $40. See any time. 2-7337. FELIX.

130240 rooma, upper: redecorated: utilities paid. 4-3012. Furnished Apartments, Houses. Mertland Apts. STH, Completely FRANCIS.

furnished. utilities, refrigeration, laundry. 25TH, 720. large. beautifully turnished, private bath.

garage, utilities. 2209 Union: lovely 5-room Beverly efficiency. stehm heat. 6TH. 722.

3 rooms, private bath Frigidaire, adults. first floor. 15TH, 323; large lower room, kitchenette, semi-private bath: 2-3439. 15TH. 805: 3 rooms, automatic heat, redecorated: garage.

2-9358. 12TH. 622; close, in, modern kitchenette, stoker heat, refrigeration. POWELL, 3 rooms, private bath and entrance. Frigidaire, garage.

9TH. 610: front 3 rooms, utilities, refrigeration; adults. Francis St. Apts. Attractive refrigera- sintion: nice location: utilities paid.

13TH, 311; 2-room apartment, private bath, refrigeration. utilities. 11TH. 1607. Tower front 9 rooms: upper front room.

605 N. 5th: double kitchA; Arlington enette: adults. 4-0192. 15th, 110 Attractive Frigidaire in-aEdmond, 1021 Choice 2-room tures: close in; utilities; adults. 14TH.

712. 3 exclusive 4-room upper duplex, private entrances. sleeping porch, garage: heat. adults. 22D, 724: nice 3-room apartment: refrigeration.

SYLVANIE. 1213: modern 2-room apart ment; completely furnished; adults. 11TH, 1604: 4-room house. modern except heat: $20. 4-1761.

1 FARAON, 1010. front kitchenette, heat, qujet, laundry privilege; $4. PENN. 1025: nicely furnished kitchenette, refrigeration. steam heat: 4-3875.

Hall Manor 801 kitchenette, HALL; refriger- modern ation. private bath. maid Service: ities paid: close in. 2-0603. HUNTING SEASON is here.

Sell gun. camping equipment or dog gel want ad: Houses for Rent. RIDENBAUGH: 1323: 6- rooms. $1 2210 Faraon, 6 $30. 2:9007.

COTTAGE FOR RENT- Garage. den, fruit. Inquire 1325 20th. PENN. 3022 5 rooms, modern, $22.50.

Phone 2-5358. 2-5431. MITCHELL. 3617: new. 5 rooms.

class, automatic heat: will sell. 33RD. 1504: lower 5 rooms modern by Feb. 15th: $25; part heat nighed. MAIN, 2221; Feb.

1st. 3-r'oom house, partly modern. 4-0988. PENN. 2928 5 rooms, modern, 2 places: garage: $20 2-7788.

CHARLES. 1517: 6-room modern close in. First Trust agent: FELIX, 2813: 5-room. 'strictly modern bungalow. Phone 2-8579.

MITCHELL 1802; modern 5-room BB automatic heat; $20. 4-1537. slack, 13TH 1111; 5-room modern 4-5208. SACRAMENTO, 2816; 7 rooms modern, sleeping porch. newly decorated, tomatic heat.

2-9522. 5-ROOM MODERN cottage. 2-car rage, garden: $20. 4-4634. PENN.

3518. 5-room modern garage: $22.50. Phone 2-1111. Mos4-ROOM MODERN cottage, full ask ment: garage, large yard. 2-1711.

ATTRACTIVE proposition, adults, El- ern home, East End. Call 4-6221 after 'ROOMS, MODERN except heat. 4-2635. 17TH. 313; strictly modern 5 rooms, polished floors, automatic heat: $25.

Phone 2-2455. 2-3916. Bill Stores, Storervoms, Shops. beat. STOREROOM, 6-room apartment northwest corner 22nd and Garfield.

CROSSTOWN A FUND 66, 2-4 "I don't want t'go t'her old but It seems my mother is tryin' to crash her mother's bridge club!" Used Cars (Continued). BARGAIN: '36 Plyinouth -sedan deliv-. ery, new paint, motor' overhauled; no trade: $128. Bud's, 1611 Frederick. DILL-WOOD, BUICK '40 Buick Coupe- $775 Pontiac Coupe -Radio, 550 '39 Buick -New 575 '39 Ford Tudor 450 '38 Buick Sedan--Radio, 550 '38 Ford Tudor Sedan--Nice '37 Pontiac Coach-Extra nice.

375 '37 Ford Tudor Sedan-Clean. 275 36 Dodge Sedan-Low 275 '36 Tudor Sedan- 195 '36 Terraplane Conch-Reat 175 '34. Chevrolet Coach--Runs Good. 150 Dill- Motor Co. Where Customers Bring Their Friends 1800 Frederick Phone 2-4624 '36 CHEVROLET master 4-door, radio; $245.

Bud's. 1621 Frederick. 1940 2-DOOR CHEVROLET, equipped throughout, Draftee. Sacrifice, 2-4732. SACRIFICE '36 FORD Tudor.

Draftee. Call 2-4504 evenings. 1982 CHEVROLET coach. 40th and Duncan 4-4118 after 4.30. 1937 PONTIAC de luxe coupe: a steal; terms.

1901 St. Joseph A 2-0230. Wanted, Automotive. WANTED TO BUY- Model A Ford. 1105 Elizabeth street.

Used. Trucks. Trucks vester International Inc. HarUsed Tires and Tubes. 150 SLIGHTLY used mud-snow tires, al sizes.

Leo (Nothing Downt Robertson Supplies and Service. truck brakes, vacdum or POWER air. Criswell. 914, S. 9th.

Trailers, Ete. TWO- WHEEl trailer house for sale, Phone 15F12. Amazonia. LIVE STOCK, IMPLEMENTS Horses, Cattle, Hogs. CASH PAID for dead borses, COWS 4-0006 for quick service, Jack Rullman.

CASH PAID FOR DEAD horses, cattie. hogs. quick service. Call collect 2-8212. Dead Animal Inc.

2 cowS. 1. with calf, other fresh .15. 18 Rhode 1aland Red hens, amplements. Phone 2-7031.

3 LAMB SHOATS. just north Country Club. Norris. WANTED- Registered Belgian stallion, any price and describe. Harold Smith.

Mo. give 14 SHOATS: also stock flour. 95c sack. Atwood. Elwood.

Kan. 6. HEAD GOOD FARM mates. young and sound. Hale, first house south of King Hill Cemetery NICE -PAIR IRON GREY 4 and 5.

year old mares. weight 2,700, also nice pair mare mules, 7 years old, weight 2.700. Cardweil, 3 miles south on 71 highway, FRIGIDAIRE to trade for cow, will pay cash difference. 2-4984. 9 SHOATS.

Andy Boyles, Gore road, off west Savannah PUBLIC SALE FEB. 6TH miles northeast of Clarksdale. Team 11 head of cows, heifers and calves; 11 head sheep: 3 sows with pigs, 3 to pig in April; 8 shoats: 150 Barred Rock chickers; some implements: 1929 Ford some hay and corn and numerous other L. Col. Earl Kerns, Auctioneer Feed and Implements.

BARGAIN Used tractor, Allis-Chaimers wheels. W. C. tractor. air tires.

Also model tractor. Farmers' Equipment Co. 824 6th. BALANCE YOUR CORN with Eig Dee Hog Builder, packed in cotton toweling bags. Dannen Elevator All Cuttings ALFALFA HAY Phone 4-4271 ALLIS-CHALMERS All-Crop harvester.

Phone 4-4310, BALED ALFALFA, all cuttings W. Nold. 4-4553. WANTED -Used 2-row Hater. tractor pull type.

Dial 4-43875 write. 466. -Gazette, ALFALFA HAY, baled or loose. Call A. J.

Kneib, 4-4196. Poultry, Eggs, Supplies. Stronger, Healthier Chicks Crawford's Double Blood-Tested Purina Embryo Fed Chicks. Blood lines to 303 eggs. Order now.

First hatch Feb. 17th. Free catalog and prices. Crawford Hatcheries, 1101 S. 8th.

Phone HAWK'S FAMOUS CHICKS each week Hawk Hatcheries, 1528 S. 6th 2-0515 BABY CHICKS, on and after Feb. 17. Orde: now. McCarthy Hatchery.

mile. southeast on highway 169, route 7 4-2324 BABY and started chicks; guaranteed custom hatching. 2c per car. Kleinschmidt Hatchery, Elwood, Kan. 4-4683.

AUCTION HOUSES, AUCTION Auctions. AUCTION TUESDAY, 9:30 A. 114-116 N. 3d. Beautifu' 2-piece mohair living rooni suite (like new), also several other good suites, nice 8-piece walnut dining room suite, several 3-piece walnut.

bedroom suites. 9x12 and other sized rugs, radios. dining chairs, -rockers. dressers. Simmons and other beds.

springs. new and sterilized mattresses. Congoleums, occasional tables. lamps. electric refrigerator, extra fine Maytag washer (square tub).

breakfast seta kitchen cabinets, drophead Singer sew ing machine. all white porcelain side oven Florence nil range. many other articles, Too much to advertise. Free parking in lot Across street. HURD AUCTION CO.

Auctioneers. Col. H. Grable Pays you. cash or 4-1761.

sells Classified Display. LADIES' SAMPLE SHOES 99 Schneider Bidk. 1 and Up 7th and Felix Arthur James Room 311 Phone 4-5928 Sizes: Nationally Advertised 3-5 High-Grade Shoes LOANS $5 to $50 on Your name Only Quickly! To Single or Married People. OTHER LOANS UP TO $300 PUBLIC LOAN CORP. 408 Kirkpatrick Building Phone: 4-2733 1.

Florists. RAU house Flowers keep fresh longer: from our 2-2646. Hendra flowers, sprays; plants, 8-0228. cut Cemeteries, Monuments. ASHLAND- Lower prices, terms, perpetual care: Ashland bus line.

2-8923. MEMORIAL, PARK. modern, beautiful superior service. P. O.

Box 1024. Societies. Royal Arch Regular MITCHELL No. 14, convocation Wednesday, Feb. 5.

.7:30 p.m. Work in Mark Master and Past Master degrees. All companions welcome. Cyril A. Carpenter, H.

Victor. T. Cummings, secretary, Travel, Transportation. PRIVATE party California in heated sedan, Feb. passengers: 2-6275.

AUTO Travel. Bureau, California, all points daily. 621 S. 10th. 4-5564.

RETURNING to San Francisco in about a week, take 1 or 2. Phone 2-2903. Lost and Found. GREY OVERCOAT, scarf, car keys taken from Zim's Tavern, 2-2686. LARGE YELLOW POLICE DOG lost.

Name Rex. Reward. Phone 2-6350. BILLFOLD containing cards and curEast rency End lost and Sunday downtown or Monday district. between ward.

2-9672. SUITCASE lost Sunday night highway south town, women's apparel. Reward. Lloyd M. Boatman, Nemaha.

Neb. NO CONSCRIPTION -But you can untarily join our large army of successful want ad. users. Personals. 1,000 BUSINESS cards, $1.95.

Free cut service. Mann Printing 307 Felix. Business Personals, Good Will Industries, 1209 N. furniture 3rd. and waste paper.

Dial 2-5493 for truck. CLOTHING. SHOES, magazines, furnisell? Your gifts: create employment. Salvation Army. Call 4-1683.

SKIN Dr. AND Wenzel. VENEREAL DISEASES. NOTICE- I -On will and not after be this responsible date. Feb.

for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself. Signed, Basil R. Funk. WOMEN'S COLUMN NEW Easy Spinner washers, Philco dios and refrigerators, Universal sweepers; Schick, Remington shavers. M-K Electric 823 Francis.

2-8442. Beauty Shops. GERTRUDE GILLILAN -Special $2.50 oil permanent, N. 8th. 2-1992.

1c SALE -Bring a friend. Single permanent, additional permanent, 1c. Francis. 4-2576. BUSINESS SERVICES Services Offered.

Welty New. versed. shades, 2-2521. old 2002 N. shades 2d re- st.

Roofs! Roofs! Repaired, renewed. teed. Shifflett 4-3695, 2-7908. Radio. Repairing.

SAVE RADIO REPAIRS -Free pickup. Electro '001 S. 10th; 4-1369. RADIO and refrigerator service. Call Abercrombie, 2-9900: free estimates.

Furnace, Stove Repairing. PARTS for stoves and furnaces. DeMuth Stove Repair, 1420 S. 6th. 4-0081 TORRID ZONE and Equator furnaces Fairbanks-Morse stokers: all makes of repaired.

Prindle-Branson. Dial 2-3702 R. Carpet Cleaning, Rugs. FOR BETTER RUG cleaning. pillows.

mattress renovating, Stuebner. 4-1664 9x12 CARPETS CLEANED, shampooed, demothed. $1.50. 4-3377. 115 N.

3rd. Moving, Trucking, Storage. LONG DISTANCE local moving. packing. storage.

Moth kill service. Low freight rates to California. Brown Transfer and Storage 4-0855. LONG DISTANCE HAULING, household goods packed and stored, lowest insurance. St.

Joseph Transfer Co Leidy's Transfer large Reliable van. movers 2-4228 REASONABLE MOVING basem*nt cleaning: trash hauling. Phone ECONOMY TRANSFER--Moving a specialty: cheap hauling, delivery. 2-6260. Medical.

BENDER PRESCRIPTION Shop Free delivery; 619 Francis. 4-1477. EMPLOYMENT Men Wanted. MEN National manufacturer, expanding. the St.

Joseph territory, will start 5 men on permanent basis immediately. No experience in our line required as those selected will be given special training in our methods, Earnings are expected to range. when experienced, between $35 and $75 per week, but those selected should be able to live on $25 week for first two weeks, Applicants must be honest, aggressive. between the ages of 23 and 50 years and of good health. Only men whose services are available at once will be considered.

Apply in person at 209 Empire Trust Bullding. 6th and Edmond, Thursday, Feb. 6, at 10 a. m. No other time.

Women Wanted. ANOTHER good beauty operator, must be wiling to work: students need not apply. McClure Beauty Shop. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wanted: state age, experience and references. Write 207.

News-Press- Gazette. WANTED Girl to work AS personal maid in return for high grade business training, everything furnished except books and supplies. Must be high school graduate now living outside of city. Write 467. News-Press-Gazette.

Training School. Parisian Beauty Academy. 711 Francis. national Caster's tional Beauty accredited. Academy.

115 State, S. na- 8. OFF THE RECORD DOWN EVERYTHING WITH LEAGUE 4 1 WITH "The postoffice returned a package to us because of Insufficlent postage!" Office Rooms. BALLINGER A office rooms. some furnished, desk space.

4-3695 Suburban for Rent. KING HILL 1: block, south of city limits. 5-room acres land: 2-2300. Wanted to Rent. 100 TO 200 ACRE Missouri farm.

near school. Eugene Lollar, Gower, Mo. REAL ESTATE Real Estate for Sale. 'City, farm estabDavis Bros. tished 1900.

821 Fred Farms. First. NaEarley D. Bird tional Bank Bldg. FOR SALE- -First National Bank Savannah.

ideal location. good repair. R. C. Abersold.

Savannah. Mo. Phone 47F13. Savannah. Houses for Sale.

Sisson-Hewitt Inc. 704 Phone Francis. 2-6767. PENN. 2916; 5 rooms modern; must sell, leaving city, easy terms.

MITCHELL. 3615, new. 5-room. autometic heat. first-class home.

Buy reasonable. payments like rent. Don't miss this chance. See at once. 21TH, just completed, wellbuilt 5-room house.

all modern teatures. Shown' by appointment. 2-5871. 9NTH 8., 1714; 5 rooms, ultra' modern, FHA constructed home. Hugh Adams, American National' Bank Bldg.

CHARLES. 1415. modern home, good condition. $17.50. 4-0997 or 2-5927.

-for Sale. ACRE. 6 rooms modern, 2 miles city. 71: make cash 8-2090. Farms for Sale.

.160 ACRES. 4 miles north of Fillmore. A real farm. A good investment. Terms.

John A. Abersold, Savannah. AUTOMOTIVE Used Cars. USED in St. Joseph.

BEST Bud Wilson. 1621 Frederick. 520 8. 8th St. LAWSON BROS Used Cars LATEST Models.

Low O. K. Auto mileage. 5306 Hill. Leaverton parts, 2131 cars 8th.

and 4-3314. auto BUY QUALITY AND SAVE '38 Dodge 4-Door Sedan '38 Flymouth 4-Door Sedan '39 Plymouth 2-Door Sedan '37 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan '38 Dodge Coupe '37 Plymouth 2-Door '35 Chevrolet Coupe '34 Ford Fordor "Sedan BUY CARS 1102 2-8488 M. B. ROYS-MOTOR CO. '38 Lafayette 2-Door -Exceptionally clean, good rubber, overdrive and weather eye.

LEWIS-NASH MOTOR CO. 1224 Frederick 2-9901 1936 V-8 FORD sedan delivery. good condition. Call. 2-7390.

CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH 39 Dodge 2-Door Sedan $39 Chrysler 4-Door Sedan '38 Chrysler 4-Door '38 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan 40 Pontiac Coupe '35 Buick Sedan '36 Dodge 4-Door Sedan COOPER-DAY MOTORS 1316 Frederick Phone 2-8448 1932 FORD FORDOR: RE radio, heater. Must sell, draftee. 430 N. 17th. 42 USED CARS IN STOCK We Intend to Sell Them Within the Next 8 Days Buy Now -First Payment Due in April Set Your Price and Make an Offer: Used Car Dept.

GRANT MOTOR 314 S. 7th Phone 2-6525 SEE THESE '37 Dodge '33 Pontiac '31 Chevrolet '39 Chrysler '36 Chevrolet '39 Ford '39 Plymouth '32 Ford E. W. TEDLOCK MOTOR CO. Drive In on Our Big Lot Where You Always Find Bargains '37 Ford Pickup $145 '37 Ford L.

W. B. L. W. B.

and Cab and $245 '33 Pontiac Coach $49 '37 Plymouth Coupe 90 Other Bargains Miller Chevrolet Co. 317 S. 8th Phone 2-7705 mod4. SPECIAL '33 Pontiac 95 Phone '34 Studebaker 125 '38 Commander Studebaker Sedan. 550 CARNES MOTOR CO.

$175.00 Buys this La Salle 4-Door Sedan. good tires; looks. runs like new. Previous owner will recommend. CUTBERTH MOTOR CO.

'39 Dodge De Luxe Sedan You will get real motoring enjoyment in this popular car; equipped with radio, heater, dual accessories, beautifu! inside and out. Cost over special, $595: $20 per month. SWAFFORD MOTOR CO. 7th and Sylvanie Phone 4-1818 Better Cars for Less Money -Be Sure and See These Before You Trade 29 Ford Coach '34 Ford Tudor '35 Ford Fordor '36 Ford Fordor '38 Ford Business Coupe '29 Dodge Sedan '36 Chrysler 2-Door Sedan '36 Plymouth Sedan '38 Plymouth Sedan Touring Priced for a Quick Sale MILLER MOTOR CO. OLDSMOBILE 1508 Frederick Phone 2-5467 GUARANTEED CARS READY FOR WINTER SERVICE 1939 Pontiac heater, de luxe equipped, beautiful black fin lah.

car has been in service but very short time. Looks and runs like new car. 1936 Chevrolet Panel New finish, plenty of service for only All. Cara Sold. With a Written Guarantee.

GEO, MILLER PONTIAC CO. Phone 2-5456 320 8. 8th St. Open Evenings CLEANEST '35 Chevrolet standard sedan in city; $195. Bud's, 1621 Frederick.

Radio Programs Station Kilocycles KFEQ. St. Joseph 680 WHO. Des Mother, 1000 Lawrence 1220 wow. Omaha 580 KFAB.

Lincoln. 770 WDAF. Kansas City 610 KMBC, Kansas City 950 WHB, Kansas CAy 860 TONIGHT Alone. WREN -Dancing With Clancy. KMBC- We, the Abbotts.

WHB- -Embassy Club. With the Dance. KMBC. KFAB-Scattergood Baines. WDAF-Life Can Be Beautiful.

5.00-KFEQ-On the Mall. wOW--Light of the World. WDAF- Tony Wons. KMBC-Young Dr. Malone.

Wicker. Hawaiian Quartet. WOW -Goldbergs. WHB -Lone Ranger. Press News.

WDAF, WHO--Jack Armstrong. KFAB- Paul Sullivan. WREN--Bud Barton. Hour. WHB -Captain Midnight.

KFAB- Today. KMBO- Know Your Musie. 6.00 KFEQ Tin Pan Alley. WDAF, WOW--Fred Waring. KFAB-Amos 'n' Andy.

Ross. Press News. -Second Husband. Meet the WDAF Easy Aces. WREN--Jimmy' Dorsey.

WHO--Art Trio. Refrains. KMBC. KFAB--Court of Missing Heirs. WDAF, WOW.

WHO--Johnny Presents. 7 Time. 30-WREN-Question Bee. WDAF. WHO--Horace Heidt.

KMRC. KFAB-Firat Nighter. WREN -Grand Central Station. WDAF. WOW.

WHO--Battle of the Sexes. KMBC. KFAB- We. the People. WOW.

WHO--Fibber McGee. KM6C. 8:35 WREN -Inner Sanctum Mystery. 9 WOW. WHO -Bob Hope, WREN -Story Dramas KEAE.

KMRO. Glenn Miller. 9 15. -Invitation to Learning. WREN- Gordon Jenkins.

wOW. WHO. WDAF- Uncle Walter's Doghouse. WHO- Fred Waring's Orch. KMB0.

Amos and Andy. WREN--Woody Herman's Orch. 10 15- WOW -Chuck Foster. KMBC-Lanny Rosa, 10.30 WREN -Government Reports. KMBC- Midland Minstrels.

KMB0 Newscast. WDAF-Moonbeams. Rogers. wOW--Glen Gray. 11 10-KMBC -Dean Hudson's Orch.

Knight's Orch. wow. -Ray Herbeck. WREN- -Jack Denny. 12-00-KMRC-Newscast.

WEDNESDAY Birds. 6.00-KFEQ-Notes and News. Weather Bureau. Ranch Boya, Timers. 15-WDAF.

KMBCWHB-Wythe Williams. Press News. WHE -Dick Kuhn Orch. 7.45- New Music. A Word to the Wives.

WREN--Breakfast. Chub. Tucker. WOW. WDAF O' Neills.

8.45-- Stock Exchange. KFEQ -Old Timera WREN, of a Dreamer. -Grain Exchange, WREN -Viennese Ensemble. -Guiding Light. WHB -Choir Loft.

Live Stock Exchange. Minor cl*tes. -Man I Married. Players. WDAF, WOW.

WHO--Against the Storm, KMBC. KFAB- -Martha Webster. Old Timers. WREN Waltz Time, KFAB--Big Sister, Lee. Harum.

RMBC. KFAB-Aunt Jenny. Bureau. Stock. WHB -Tango Time.

KMBC. KFAB Kate Smith. Dog Roundup. and Home Hour. 11.45-KFEQ the Range.

KMBC -Our Gal. Sunday. 12:00 KMBC. KFAB -Gospel Singer. WDAF Press News.

12:45 Street Reporter 1:00 WHO- Betty Crocker. KFAB Young Dr. Malone, WOW. WHO- Arnold Grin' 1 Daughter, WREN 'Living Jordan 1:30 KFE0 S. Navy Office.

WDAF Valiant Lady. WREN S. Navy Rand. 1 45- KFEQ -Organ Reveries. WOW WDAF--Judy and Jane.

KFAB of the KMBC. Brave. 2.00-KFE -Live Stork Exchange. WDAF- Marlin. 2 15-KFEQ-Orgatron.

2 30-KFEQ-Donna WDAF. WOW. WHO--Pepper Young. KFAB Cornhusker Jamboree. cl*tes.

Express Roundup. WDA--Backstage Wife. Dallas. KMBC-Myrt and Marge. Lee.

WDAF--Lorenzo Jones. 3.45-WDAF-Widow Brown. Family. 7 Alone. base- WDAF.

wow. Journey. WREN--Musical Soiree. KMBC-We, the Abbotts. On With the Dance.

Club. KMBC KFAB- Scattergood Baines. 5.00-KFEQ-Concert Hall. WDAF--Jimmy Allen. of Ranger.

the World. WOW Quartet. KFEQ-United Press News. WDAF. WHO--Jack Armstrong.

WHR -Captain Midnight. KMBC- -Know Your Rhythmic Age, WOW. WHO. -Fred Waring, 6.15-KFEQ-Where to Go. KFAR-Lanny Ross.

6.30-KFFQ-United Press News. woW -Cavalcade of America. KMBC. KFAB-Mr. Meek.

the Band. WOW. WHO- Tony Martin. KMBC--Rig Town. WREN -Quiz Kids.

WOW. WHO--How Did You Meet? 1 WOW. WHO-Plantation Party. KMBC. KFAB-Dr.

Christian. WREN -Manhattan at Midnight. -WOW. WHO, WDAF--Eddie Cantor. KMBC.

KFAB- Fred Allen. WREN -Roy Shield Revue. 8.30-WDAF. WOW. WHO--Mr.

District. Attorney. and Win Quiz. WOW, WHO--Kay Kyser. WREN--Story Dramas.

KMBC. -Glenn Miller. 9-15-KMBC. KFAB-Public Affairs. WREN -Dance Band.

'n' at Work. WDAF- -Newscast. KMBC-Amos WREN--Gabriel Heatter. Herman. wOW -Ray Heatherton.

-Prayer Meeting. -Lanny Ross. Rogers. Minatrels. -Midland Today.

-WREN. KABC Newscast. 05- WREN Timmy Dorsey. wow Gene Krupa: WDAF-Moonbeams. KM -George Duffy, Himber.

Bob Knight's Orch, -Ray Herbeck..

St. Joseph News-Press from St. Joseph, Missouri (2024)


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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.