Piyush Drink | Piyush Recipe (2024)

By Dassana Amit
Last Updated: November 9, 2022

Gluten Free, Vegetarian
5 from 8 votes34 Comments

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Piyush is a smooth and creamy drink popular in the Maharashtrian and Gujarati cuisine of western India. To make piyush, Shrikhand (a thick yogurt based dessert) and Buttermilk are whisked with the flavorings of nutmeg and cardamom. The nutmeg especially imparts a great deal of flavor and aroma to piyush.

Piyush Drink | Piyush Recipe (2)

Piyush is a bit similar to the popular beverageLassi. But in comparison, it is thick, creamier and sweeter than lassi. Obviously, as shrikhand is added. Shrikhand itself is thick, creamy and sweet.

My recipe does not use buttermilk but homemade yogurt and milk. I used ready store brought shrikhand.

With ready made shrikhand this cooling drink is quick and easy to make. Either buy cardamom shrikhand, saffron shrikhand or cardamom-saffron shrikhand. You can also make the shrikhand at home. Here is my homemade Shrikhand Recipe.

Piyush makes for an excellent drink and is known in the state of Maharashtra and Gujarat. It is liked by both kids and adults. You actually have to drink piyush to know how good it is.

Piyush Drink | Piyush Recipe (3)

If you are looking for moredrinks then do check:

  • Aam ka panna
  • Kokum juice
  • Nimbu pani
  • Jal jeera
  • Badam milk

Step-by-Step Guide

How to make Piyush Drink

1. First take the shrikhand, curd (yogurt), milk, sugar, cardamom powder, nutmeg powder in a mixing bowl.

2. With a hand held blender or a wired whisk or a madani (traditional Indian wooden churner), just blend everything very well until smooth and creamy.

You can also opt to blend this creamy drink in a blender. Keep the piyush in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours for it to get chilled.

For a light yellow colored piyush drink, you can also add some crushed saffron while blending.

Piyush Drink | Piyush Recipe (5)

3. Pour the chilled piyush in glasses, and top with pistachio or almond slices and saffron. Serve piyushimmediately. You can also keep it for a day in the refrigerator.

If you have made the piyush drink with cold milk and yogurt, then you can serve it straightaway.

Piyush Drink | Piyush Recipe (6)


  • Since yogurt or curd is one of the main ingredient, use fresh curd that is not sour or too tangy.
  • You can opt to make the drink with either store-brought shrikand or homemade one. Do use cardamom, saffron or cardamom-saffron flavored shrikhand.
  • Whip up the drink either mixing with a wired whisk or with a hand-held blender or in an electric blender.
  • The piyush drink taste good as is, but you can choose to garnish or top with your preferred nuts or dry fruits.

Please be sure to rate the recipe in the recipe card or leave a comment below if you have made it. For more vegetarian inspirations, Sign Up for my emails or follow me on Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter.

Piyush Drink | Piyush Recipe (7)

Piyush Drink | Piyush Recipe

By Dassana Amit

Piyush recipe is a thick, creamy sweet beverage made with shrikhand, yogurt and milk. Summer cooling drink.

5 from 8 votes

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Prep Time 5 minutes mins

Total Time 5 minutes mins

Cuisine Gujarati, Maharashtrian

Course Beverages, Desserts

Diet Gluten Free, Vegetarian

Difficulty Level Easy

Servings 2



  • 200 grams Shrikhand – about 1 cup, (cardamom, saffron or cardamom-saffron flavored shrikhand)
  • 1.5 cups Curd (yogurt) – fresh and cold or at room temperature
  • ¾ to 1 cup milk – cold or at room temperature
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons sugar or as required
  • 2 to 3 green cardamoms powdered in a mortar-pestle to a fine powder
  • ¼ teaspoon grated nutmeg or ground nutmeg powder
  • 6 to 7 pistachios (unsalted) – sliced
  • 1 to 2 pinches saffron strands


  • First take the shrikhand, yogurt, milk, sugar, cardamom powder, nutmeg powder in a mixing bowl.

  • With a hand held blender or a wired whisk or a madani (traditional hand held indian churner), just blend everything well till smooth and creamy.

  • You can also blend in a jar in an electric blender. Keep the piyush in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours for it to get chilled.

  • If you have made the drink with cold shrikhand, curd and milk, then after blending, you can serve it straightaway.

  • A suggestion is to add 2 tbsp sugar first. If the sweetness is less, then you can add 1 tbsp sugar later.

  • Pour the chilled piyush in glasses, and top with pistachio or almond slices and saffron.

  • Serve immediately. You can also keep the piyush for a day in the refrigerator.


  • Ensure to make the piyush drink with fresh curd that is not sour or too tangy.
  • Add nuts and dry fruits of your choice.
  • The recipe can be scaled to make for larger servings.

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This Piyush Drink recipe post from the archives, first published in May 2014 has been updated and republished on November 2022.

Piyush Drink | Piyush Recipe (2024)


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