Des Moines Tribune from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)

of or by A. 75 Sm 6:30 AM 2-2840 DAILY WEATHER MAP 3 5 2990. High 29.93 1013 1016 34.04 Oclear Brain snow cloudy cloudy Continuous lines (millibars) pass through points of equal air pressure. Dotted lines (isotherms) pass through points of equal Shaded areas show regions of precipitation Des Moines Deaths. Daily Iowa Almanac LANE-Mrs.

Mary 77. of 621 Oak Park died Tuesday at home. WADDELL- J. 86. of Grimes, died Wednesday at Mercy hospital.

Des Moines Births. ARMSTRONG-Mr. and Mrs. D. K.

2743 Spruce a daughter, born Wednesday at Iowa Methodist hospital. BEARDSLEY- Mr. and Mrs. Paul, 2720 Fifty-eighth 8 daughter born Wednesday at Mercy hospital, Marriage Licenses. THE FOLLOWING MARRIAGE LICENSES were issued by the district court clerk between noon Tuesday and poon Wednesday: Name and residence Age Loren Ramsdill.

Des Moines, and. 29 Dorothy Houillon, Des Moines 20 Floyd Chase, Milo, and. legal Carman Cosner, Conrad. Ia. legal Ward Heaton, Sigourney, and 33 Mildred Jean Miles.

Des Moines Charles Staizman, Laurel, and. Merle Bernice Selvig. State Center, 18 Brockett. Des Joines, and. 28 Marjorie Norem.

Des Moines. 18 Robt. H. Hansen. New York, N.

and. 33 Gwen McCleary, Des Moines 28 D.L.H. Weist, Beaver Bay, and legal A. Evelyn Davis, Omaha, legal E. Gordon, Des Moines, and.

Thelma Gladfelter, Omaha, 25 Divorce Petitions. THE FOLLOWING DIVORCE PETITIONS were filed with the district court clerk between noon Tuesday and noon Wednesday: Mary Barnes VS. Harry E. Barnes. Madge Venn vs.

Corwin V. Venn. Zella Phillips ve. John P. Phillips.

Ursula Willits vs. Edwin E. Willita. Ada E. Butlin vs.

William A. Butlin, Howard W. Miller vs. Amy Angeline Miller. Divorce Decrees.

THE FOLLOWING DIVORCE DECREES were filed with the district court clerk between noon Tuesday and noon Wednesday: Dessa Hutton from Arthur Hutton. Dot Whatacre from Bush Whataere. Mary Jane (Halton) Riedesel from Donald G. Riedesel, Homer A. Hukill from Bessie Hukill, Contagious Diseases.

(In Des Moines) Cases New Rel'd Deaths Scarlet fever 26 0 Smallpox 6 Measles 0 Mumps 0 0 Whooping cough 0 0 Traffic. Following is a list of persons arraigned on traffic charges in municipal court between 11 a. m. Tuesday and 11 m. Wednesday.

Names, addresses and dispositions are those which appear on police and court records. Before Judge C. Edwin Moore. The following were given $2 suspended sentences for illegal parking: C. Rex Staley, no address given, Bob Buntz, no address given.

Mildred Parmenter, 3329 Center st. J. L. Eastridge, 2700 Logan ave. Blythe Shade, 612 Fourteenth st.

The following were fined $2 each for illegal parking: B. F. Doyle, 3519 Crocker st. Mrs. John D.

Gearhart, 4030 Twelfth st. Mrs. Stella Conlee, 1231 S. W. Davis ave.

The following were fined $1 each for fillegal parking: A. W. Hopkins, no address given. Richard H. Anderson, 1435 Harding road.

J. 0. Hoffman. no address given. R.

M. Smith, no address given. Howard Sole, Ine. J. D.

Cartwright, no address given. 0. Lemley, 1117 Garden road. G. H.

Parker, 15 Hillside two charges, $2. paid. H. M. Stuart, 918 Grand ave.

Charles Her, 1304 Forty -second at. 'The following also appeared in court: George Parish, Main no chauf: feurs license, $3, paid, John Strand, 2412 E. Thirty-seventh no safety inspection, dismissed. Helen T. Romine, 1206 Walker no safety inspection, $1, paid.

Orville Newsome, West Des Moinea, 11- legal parking, dismissed, John J. Giblin, 1825 Ninth disregarded atop sign. $3, paid. Accident Record. (As reported to Des Moines police.) 1940 1939 Acci- In- AcciIn- dents jured dents jured Collision of automobiles 97 118 84 101 Automobilespedestrian .39 38 42 44 Automobile, street 17 car train 16 10 14 Other automobile accidents 8 8 (As reported by Coroner A.

E. Shaw.) On Pubile Highways 1940 1939 Deaths to date, pedestrian struck automobile 2 Deaths to date, automobile collisions 0 Favors Idea Of Old Fort The "Forty and Eight," American Legion organization here, has added its voice to those favoring recreation of old Fort Des Moines at the juncture of the Des Moines and Raccoon rivers. In a letter to the city council, Harry E. Barnes, correspondent for the organization, stated it has gone on record "favoring the project of restoring Fort Des Moines No. 2 which was established May 20, 1843, to protect the Indians from the white men." "The buildings should be used to house heirlooms of Des Moines, making the entire post a Barnes' letter continues.

"This fort was built in an 'L' shape with the officers' quarters running north on the west banking of the Des Moines river and the soldiers' barracks running west on the north bank of the Raccoon river, leaving a parade in the center of the fort," ground, states. As it has done with similar communications from other organizations, the council referred Barnes' letter to the city plan and zoning commission and the park board. ITCH -or in a Money STOPPED Jiffy Back For quick relief from itching of eczema, pimples, athlete's foot, scabies, rashes and other ex ternally caused skin troubles, use world-famous, cooling, antiseptic, liquid D. D. D.

Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves is, or your money back, Ask your druggist today for D. D.

D. PRESCRIPTION. TRIBUNE. LOST AND FOUND 5 LOSE SOMETHING: Call 3-2111, ask MISS HILL to help you write an ad for quick results. NOTICES 6 Modern Radio-Style Piano Jazz Free booklet.

Wm. Muelhaupt. 5-0782 Cash Paid for Old Gold. A. E.

Kullander Mfg. Jeweler, 200 Kresge Bldg. Central Children's Tonsil Clinic 502 Flynn Bldg. 4-1231. LOVELY Permanent Wave, complete with shampoo, finger wave and trim 95c.

lowa School of Beauty, 615 Walnut. 4-6253. IT pays to attend a good school. Catalog of CCC, D. M.

is free. BE popular. Learn dance, privately. Spring rates. 1422 Walnut.

3-8882. "WHERE SHALL WE GO?" 7 "CLUB 100" SMARTEST SUPPER CLUB 2 FLOOR SHOWS NIGHTLY Frenchy Graffolier's Orchestra EXCELLENT CUISINE 65th and White Pole Road. Open from 6 P. M. daily.

reservations call 5-9933. NO MINIMUM. NO COVER CHARGE. SPINSTER'S FROLIC! V.F.W. Hall- -Thursday nite Your Big Chance to PICK YOUR MAN IT WILL BE A CARNIVAL OF FUN SO BE SURE TO BE THERE! There'll Be a Big Surprise! 100 E.

Locust. Free Parking. LET'S GO DANCING! HALL Music, sweet and hot, by BLANCHE SCHANE AND HER Locust. Free Parking. A.I.B.

Dance Friday night, March 1. Consistory orchestra. Temple. Jack Everette and his Students from all colleges are invited. DANCE AT THE TROMAR THURS.

GENE PIEPER Class 8:30. Dance 9:30. ADM. 36c A PERSON. March 7 Johnny (Scat) Davis AVON LAKE GRAND OPENING Carnival Dance--Fun for everyone Mar.

2nd. Vera Illingworth AVON LAKE GRAND OPENING Carnival Dance--Fun for everyone Sat. March 2nd Vera Illingworth KEO KNITE KLUB Des Moines' Newest NightHORACE HEIDT and His Musical Knights MEMORIAL COLISEUM- -Cedar Rapids. Wednesday, Feb. 28.

$1.11 per person, plus tax. THE RITZ Floor Show 213 4th FEATURING JACK NORMAN, M. C. REAL ITALIAN Spaghetti and MEAT Balis 35e AN ORDER. Spaghetti sauce $1 qt.


TONITE! Grand. PERSONALS 8 2 FREE ENLARGEMENTS Any size 6 to 16 exposure kodak roll developed and printed with 8 to 16 beautiful guaranteed never-fade prints plus 2 free enlargements, only with this ad. Reprints 3c each. 50 or more, 2c each. Dean Studios, Dept.

211 W. 7th Des Moines, la. 2 FREE ENLARGEMENTS Given with any 6 to 16 exposure Kodak roll developed and 8 to 16 guaranteed never-fade prints 25c, Reprints 1c each with this ad. WARD'S STUDIO, Dept. 14, Des Moines, Iowa.

Sewers Cleaned Electrically No digging. Work guaranteed. 5-2111. Paul Weston Plumbing Elec. Co.

KODAK ROLLS developed (6 to 16 exposure). 2 enlargements, 8 to 16 guaranteed never-fade prints. 25c; reprints 3c: 50 or more, 2c each with ad. GEPPERT STUDIO, Dept. 10, Des Moines, la.


VIC EDE. 4-2377. FOR BETTER MOVING SERVICE CALL Ware Transfer Storage Co. 12th and Keosauqua Way. 3-6161.

KODAK films developed and 16 prints 25c. 35 m. m. roll dev. fine grain 15c.

Prints Enl. 3x4 5c each, Cash. no stamps. Free Film service. Box 478, Oskaloosa, Ia.

Moving and Clean Storage Fireproof warehouses. Phone 4-2124. Merchants Transfer, 9th and Mulberry. LIVE miles from D. M.

Am afraid and doubtful. Write only through D. M. Eve. Tribune.

Will see you, soon. Fourth of July. SMITH'S SEWER SERVICE Elect. No digging. 4-6776 or 7-3582.

ROOF LEAKS REPAIRED Free est. Work guar. Call Bruce, 4-2797. PHOTOGRAPHS. old or new reproduced call for free appraisal.

HOSTETLER'S. 300 K. P. Bldg. 4-8725.


NORTHERN ARTIFICIAL LIMB CO. 903 Walnut. 47 years in D. M. 3-5412.

WOOD FIBRE FLOWER MATERIALS Mail orders prompt atten. Patterns Free. Primrose Art Shop, 705 Grand, D. M. HAIR-GOODS.

wigs, toupees and braids made and repaired. Kennedy' Beauty School, 816 Walnut. (Iowa's oldest). IF you want a small loan over the weekend. Borrow on your jewelry.

IOWA JEWELRY 708 Locust. BATH, massage, reducing. Open eve. and Sun. Maxine and June.

1045 6th. 3-1975. BATH, massage, scientific. Mrs. Lee Hicks.

6-8097. Open eve's. Sun. 2201 E. 12th.

BATH, MASSAGE REDUCING. 4-5488. Florence, 608 Walnut 5th, Wal. BATH. Swedish massage, 10 a.

m. to 9 p. m. Geraldine, 1804 E. Capitol.

6-4995. LUNDBERG nursing home. Exc. care given chronie or conval. cases.

7-0023. Loraine Nursing Home, 1309 Penn. 6-7571 Nurses care for the ill and aged. IT pav8 to attend 8 good school. CATALOG of CCCC, D.

Is free. PRIVATE HOME FOR INVALIDS AND AGED PEOPLE. PH. 7-2922. YOUR federal and state income tax reports compiled, reasonably.

7-4126. "PATENT ATTORNEYS." TALBERT M. DICK. Personal service. No consultation charge.

Phone 4-2525. 420 Des Moines Des Moines. ORWIG HAGUE. 608 Crocker Dea Moines. BAIR FREEMAN, Patents, Trademarks.

1406 Field Chicago, Ill. TRAVEL OPFORTUNITIES. Caution Both readers and advertisers are urged to use utmost caution in arranging automobile transportation. References should be exchanged and carefully investigated. DRIVING to L.

A. Mar. 11, take 3. Refs. exch.

T. H. Bennett, Newton. Ph. 543W.

CARS leaving dally to all points. Ref. ex. TRAVEL BUREAU, 822 Walnut. 4-9242 NEW cars to west coast daily.

Help drive. Mrs. Shepard, 829 2nd 3-1813. DRIVING 1940 Studebaker to L. A.

Take 3. Ret. exch. 6-6809. 701 E.

14th. NOTICES THOT OIL SHAMPOO FINGER WITH 35cl NOWA SCHOOL BEAUTY CULTURE 615 4-6253 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. at the addresses listed following their to sell beer at the places shown opposite Place of Business CIARR 1226 University Grocery, 1203 912 Den Moinen, hereby certify that the above the office of the City Clerk for permits REX RAMBAY. City Clerk. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1940.

ALBIA-Carl Francis Hamilton, legal, Allene Kathryn James, legal, both and, Albis. Harmsen, 25. Walnut, and Edith Marie Biederman, Harlan. CENTERVILLE -Ben Harris, 27, MIlBernice Brooke, 21. Unionville.

CHARLES CITY--George Gray, 60. Chippawa Falls, and Luella Albeck. 40, Minneapolis, Minn. CHEROKEE- Robert H. Kintigh.

26, and Ethel R. Lundie: Willard Dale Petlen. 25, and Myrtle Fern Hahn, 24, Jessie A. Covell, 30, and Neola B. Robinson: Raymond T.

Harms, 32, and Willametta M. Dunn, 27. -Olin Russell Goldsmith, 20, Eleanor Gertrude Septer, 21, both of Corning. CORNING- -Clyde McHenry, 21. and Valentine Schaffer, 17, both of Corning.

DUBUQUE-Nathaniel 39, Taylor, 32. and Maggie Young, both Mason City: Herbert A. Hanson, 22. and Helen Raven, 20, both of Oshkosh, Mylo Sawyer, 26. and Pearl Carter, both of Bettendorf; Edward Meng.

and Birdie Clark, 19, both of Bagley, Lester Fry, 29, and Elsie Geiger, 21, both of Dubuque; Rollie E. Toor, 21. Madison, and Anna Lynn Caulkins. 23. Edmund J.

Splinter, 23. Darlington, and Dorothy Bishell. 19, Gratiot. Lawrence Stratton. 24.

Savanna. and Loretta Peschang, 30, Hanover. Chester H. Ressink, legal. and Cathryn Trautman, legal, both of Cedar Rapids.

ESTHERVILLE-Amos K. Cooley, Estherville, and Marie Lambert, Fulda, Minn. FORT MADISON-Le0 Bohrends and Mrs. Minnie Crawford Clarke, both of Hersman, Ill. GLENWOOD-Victor Hopkinson, 21.

Pacific Junction, and Joy Pickinpaugh, 20, Silver City. HARLAN- Miller, 23, Harian. and Phyllis Hulsebus, 23. Manilla; Arthur Hammang. and Doris Farrens, 21.

both of Arlington. Neh. MASON CITY- Alfred J. Allen. 28, Clear Lake, and Ruth Nancy Jane Thomas, 23, Mason City.

MOUNT PLEASANT--Merle H. Egli, 22, Wayland, and Naomi Trabert, 19, Lockridge; Ronald Perry Davis, 33. and Gladys Lucille Cummings, 30, both of Winfield. NEW HAMPTON- Millington, 35, Mason City, and Bonnie Grace Wood, 21, White Bear Lake, Thamos Russell Case, 36. and Hazel Florence Hendrich.

34. both of Cedar and Rapids; Ruth L. Oscar C. Braam, 23, Kellogg: Charles Haeblow, 26, Grinnell, Bush, 26, Charles City. and Helen Schneider, 25, St.

Joseph Carlton Kidder, 23. Fayette, and Bernadine Blake, 17, Oelwein; Martin B. Diephuis, Morrison, and Helen Hill. 20. Clinton, James Riley, 25, and Nadine McAllister, 21, both of Waterloo; Erwin Klumb, 40, Milwaukee, and Violet Webley, 35.

Waukesha, William 1. Griswold, 25. and Marion M. Grunewaid. 21.

both of Livingston, Kenneth Paul Zimmerman. 19, and Bertha Clayton, legal, both of Morrison, Orville Fuller, 29, Gilman, and Dorothy Tigges. 27. Melbourne: Ralph Snyder, 28, Cylinder. Fenton.

and Caroline Rambath, 23, PRIMGHAR-Harry Brigham, 22, and Frances Moore, 18, both of Sioux Falls, S. Willard Kracht, 22, and Opal Grapenthin, 20, both of Peterson. ROCK RAPIDS -Earl H. Voss. 25.

Little Rock, and Alvina Johnson, 18, Doon: Frank Morgan, 22, and Helen Lloyd, 22, Madison, 8. Myron Swanson, 22. and Beverly Jorgenson, 18, Balaton, George Tuin, 25 And Lois Like, 21, Slayton, Robert Lien, 22. and Eleanor Headley, 22, Garden City, 8. D.

Selmar Hanson, 23. S. and Selma Anderson. 21, Hudson. 8.

Floyd Horton, and Adriana Groeneweg, 20. Rock Rapids; Henry Thiessen, legal, and Ethel Irene Klein, legal. Alvord: Ralph Main, 23. and Shirley Smith. 18, Sioux Falls, S.

Garland Schultz, 25. Marshall, and Violet Overton, 21. Dovray, Emil Hargens. 27. Ashton, and Lillian Renken, 28, George.

SAC CITY -Harold Lundell, legal, and Ellen Pearson, legal, Wall Lake; H. F. Hillmer, legal, Lytton, and Minnie Breon, legal, Sac City; Charley Reaman, 35. Yetter, and Marian Ohden, 20, Wall Lake. STORM LAKE- -Lawrence Dagit, legal.

and Storm Charlotte Lake: Ejner Grau. 24. Storm Waterbury, legal, both of Lake, and Elsie Maxine Anderson, 22. Newell: Reginald Mansfield. legal.

and Jean Mittelstadt, legal, both of Storm Lake. WAVERLY- -Don Teach and Helen Tainter, Richland Center, Waterloo: Loren Laughlin and Cera Johnson, Homer Gilbert. Gary, and Isabel Adams, Waterloo. WINTERSET- -Vernon Frey, 21. Winterset.

and Ruth M. Montgomery, 18. Redfiedl: Ora R. McGlothlen, legal, and Marie E. Laird, legal.

both of Des Moines. Iowa Deaths. Licenses to Wed in Iowa. ADAIR-Nathilda Kemp, 72, widow. ALBIA---John Gergely, 79.

ALGONA- Otto Falkainer at St. Paul. ALLERTON---Mra. R. W.

Ayers, 82. APLINGTON Mrs. C. H. Frerichs, 79.

ARTHUR-S. S. Stolt, 72. AURELIA- B. McCarty.

BOONE-Mrs. Amelia Doran, 84; Cart Lundstrom, 69. -William Hochaus, 84, CALAMUS-Mrs. Albert Lafayette, 80. widow.

63, CHARLES CITY victim; -Mrs. Mary A. Weatherpneumonia wax, 58, at Basin, Wyo. CHEROKEE--Harry Clow Dewar. 69, livestock breeder and legislator; Nancy Blodgett, 79: Mrs.

Adam Harry Strzelecki. Clark, 40: Tracy Samuel Elfrink. 53: 73, farmer; Jerry Alan Ryan, 21 months, son of Mr. and Mra. Edward P.

Ryan. COLFAX-Mrs. L. W. Strother, 75.

Negro. COLUMBUS JUNCTION-T. W. Kennedy, 80, retired farmer. CONESVILLE-T.

W. Kennedy, 80. DUBUQUE- Elmer C. Raines, 73, retired railroad switchman: Ellen Bowen, 81: Roscoe Fowlston. 70, retired railroad conductor; William C.

Sickel, 60. retired contractor; Ralph F. Howe, 54, retired mail clerk. CORYDON- -Rosalie Sargent, 73; Joseph Havner, 85. Heinbuch, 49: Mrs.

CRESTON-Kasper Chris 81: Eric Joneson, 85; Wurster, Witlam Horace Peck. 66; William Perry Bullock, 73. Jane Eaton. 88. DECATURLewis, 69.

DENMARK-Clarence E. DONNELLSON-Simon Peter Wiegner. 56. DYERSVILLE- -John Herting, 74, retired farmer, EARLY--Ed Welling, 75; Elmer Green, 52: Mrs. C.

Cates, 70. ELLIOTT-Henry Smith, 72, retired merchant. FARMINGTON-Mrs. Matilda Sharp, 77. FORT MADISON--Neal David Korschinfant twin son of Mr.

and Mrs. gen, Donald R. Korschgen: "State Lauren Burton, 42, conviet at Iowa prison. GARNER--Elmer Martin Haes, 3. GLENWOOD---Mra.

James A. Worthem, 66. 62, in California: Chicago: Mrs. Marie Belle McCrary Mrs. Fred Carison, in Williams, 61; Mrs.

F. E. L. Hester, 72; Mrs. A.

E. Cook, 75. GOODELL-Daniel Nolte, 33. GRANT-R. D.

Taylor, 64, retired farmer. GREENE-Henry Frederick Stolte, 76; Mrs. Susan Eikenberry, 83. HARLAN-C. N.

Christensen, 74. retired farmer; Mrs. Mary Long, 86, at Lincoln, Mra. John Grabili, AN 65, housewife; Mrs. Robert Kirschbaum, 79, housewife.

-Frank Stoddard, retired, at Long Beach, Cal. -Mrs. William MeVey, 46. TOWA CITY--Jimmy Breeden, 6, of Fort Dodge: Joseph Lamparek, 77. farmer, of Fairfax; Eva Mae Levick, 62.

wife. of Fort Madison; Mrs. Simon Gaulocher. 63, housewife. KEOKUK-Mrs.

Eliza Dixon. S1, 69, widow: widow Mrs. William J. Lowenstein, Joe Sido, 54; John I. Kuter, 72; Fo.

Moore: Lillie Mrs. Mary Hughes, 88, Frances widow. Hoffstatter, LA PORTE CITY Mrs. Belee Daggett, 72. LEON--Mary Jane McDaniel, 67.

LEWIS--Frank 8. Rossell, 76, retired farmer. LOVILIA--Patrick Cratty, 25, at Chicago, Ill. LOVERNE-C. H.

Lichty, 82, hardware merchant. MANSON- John Van Elm Wyngarden, Creek. 60. White, formerly of Des Moines. train-auto collision at Frank MAQUOKETA-Joseph Neuhaus, 68.

MARENGO -Beth Evelyn Riley, 2 days daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Riley. bid, MARION--Ida D. Horst, 45.

MARYSVILLE-Mrs. Minnie Riseley, 70. MASON CITY--W. H. Colloton, 77, retired grocer, Sandstone, MORAVIA-Ed Pabst, 76.

MURRAY-Mrs. Alice Hermance Hardinger, widow. NEOLA-A. W. Bowen, 74.

NEW HARTFORD- P. Wood, 61. NORA veterinarian; SPRINGS- Ronald -Dr. Henry William Buckman, Schake, 70, infant. OXFORD--Eugene Robert Hummer, six months.

PLANO- Dave Finks, 19. ROCK RAPIDS- -W. J. Ross, 77, at Stevens Point, Wis. ROLAND-Mrs.

Anna C. Hanson. SAC CITY-Mrs. L. A.

Carpenter. SCHALLER-William Selwold, 69. SEWAL-A. E. Wymer, 77.

SEYMOUR-Mrs. W. S. Evans, 75. SWISHER- Joseph Lampaker, 77.

WALNUT- Sandra Archek, 19 months. WASHTA-Harry Clark, 73, farmer. WEST BRANCH- Daisy Pierce, 73. UNION--Joel Cornish, 83, reWEST tired. WINTERSET- -Flora Sheldon.

57, 60, black- missionary worker: Charles O' Nell, smith. WODEN-Mre. Anna Peterson, 89. Mail 'Pickup' Permit Asked (The Tribune's lowa News Service.) LOST NATION, IA. -Louis P.

Wulf, secretary of Automatic Air Mail, said here Wednesday the firm is seeking government permission to operate a mail pickup route north and south along the central Mississippi area. The proposal involves use of an invention by Wulf of a device for picking up and depositing mail by a flying airplane. Seek Permit. temperature. Arrows fly with the wind.

of .01 inch or more during last 24 hours. The barometric depression that lay diagonally across the Mississippi valley from southwest to northeast Tuesday morning. moved rapidly eastward Wednesday to the Atlantic coast while 8 high pressure area moved in slowly over the plains states and upper Mississippi valley. Precipitation occurred over most of the northern half of United States and southward over the Atlantic and Pacific coast regions. Heavy rains CODtinued in Washington, Oregon and northern California in connection with a large barometric depression that persists over the northwestern states.

Temperatures are lower over most of the Mississippi valley and slightly higher over most of the rest of the country -C. D. Reed. National Temperatures. Lowest temperatures during the 12 hours and highest temperatures and precipitation during the 24 hours ending at 6:30 A.

m. Wednesday: Station. Low High Prec. Amarillo, Tex. 44 0 Bismarck, N.

D. 21 .01 Boston 21 02 Calgary, Canada -10 Charles City 16 29 0 Chicago 31 Council Bluffs 31 36 .02 Davenport 26 .01 Denver 69 0 DES MOINES 26 32 Detroit 03 Dodge Dubuque City, Kan. 66 35 0 Duluth 19 28 .03 Edmonton, Canada -10 00 Galveston 55 Huron. S. D.

10 20 14 Havre, Mont. 9 11 005. Indianapolis 00 12 Kansas City 0 Keokuk .05 Los Angeles 67 Louisville. Ky, 46 .18 Minneapolis 19 24 0 New York 31 North Platte. Neb.

31 65 Oklahoma City 43 61 Pittsburgh 33 36 29 St. Louis .11 Salt Lake City 55 05 San Francisco 56 61 1.14 Seattle 43 50 49 Sheridan. Wyo. 23 45 0 Sioux City 36 .11 Springfield, Mo. 34 49 .12 Swift Current, Canada -10 0 Tampa 59 66 0 Washington, D.

C. 34 38 22 Wichita, Kan. 37 52 0 Winnipeg -13 .01 Sunset and Sunrise. Sun sets Wednesday Sun rises Thursday Light all vehicles Highest temperature Lowest temperature Precipitation year Precipitation excess 6:03 p. 6:49 a.

at 6:33 p. year ago today year ago today. ago today. since Jan. 1....

Moon. (Furnished by Drake university municipal observatory.) Moon rises 1. .1:36 a. Moon sets .11:39 a. Mar.

Shippers Forecast. Prepare shipments of perishable products for the following open country temperatures in Iowa Wednesday night: Northwest 15 above, northeast. southwest 20, southeast 25. (slightly higher in cities.) Iowa's Retail Trade WASHINGTON, D. C.

(P)- Sales of 732 independent retailers in Iowa last month averaged per cent higher than in January of 1939, the census bureau ported. Fourteen department stores, ports of which were not included with the 732, averaged 1.6 per cent lower. General stores without foods showed an increase of 15.4 per cent, the largest sales gain reported by any class of retailers. Show Gains. Others having gains were grocery stores without meats, 13.8 per cent; filling stations, 13.1; package wine and liquor stores, 10.1; men's and boys' clothing stores, 4.7; lumber and building materials, 4.4; combination grocery and meat stores, 2.4; drug stores, 1.1; shoe stores, 0.8; family clothing stores, 0.2.

The following classes reported smaller sales: Drygoods and general merchandise stores, 6.6; motor vehicle dealers, 6.9; furniture 1 stores, 7.6; women's ready-towear stores, 9.2; hardware stores, 13. Report Sales. Twelve retailers in Muscatine reported their sales were up 18.5 per cent, the largest increase reported from a single Iowa city. Others reporting gains were Ottumwa, 10 retailers, 10.1 per cent; Davenport, 21 retailers, 9 per cent; Waterloo, 18 retailers, 9.5 per cent; Sioux City, 18 retailers, 3.7 per cent; Dubuque, 27 retailers, 2.1 percent. Retailers in the following cities reported smaller sales: Des Moines, 30 retailers, 1.5 per cent; Cedar Rapids, 18 retailers, 11.1 per cent; Burlington, 18 retailers, 8.5 per cent; Council Bluffs, 10 retailers, 4.9 per cent; Clinton, 13 retailers, 2.8 per cent; Mason City, 25 retailers, 2.8 per cent.

Two Iowa Estates Pay Tax to State The Iowa tax commission Wednesday reported the followinheritance tax collections: Estate of Edward E. Hines, Ottumwa, taxable value tax $2,240. Estate of Mary A. Barrow of Slater, taxable tax $4,050. E.

CARL WHITE SAYS Jet us PROVE our FUNERAL E. CARL WHITE. 2505 GRAND AVE. Material was sent Wednesday 1 to Congressman William S. Jacobsen of Cilnton, for submission to the civil, aeronautics authority in making the request for a permit to operate the service.

If obtained, the matter then will be submitted to the postoffice department. The proposed 800-mile route would start at Moline, to give two-way, nonstop service to Clinton, Savanna, Bellevue, Galena, Dubuque, Prairie Du Chien, Viroqua, and La Crosse, Wis. From there the proposed route swings to Winona, and Rochester, where it would make nonstop connection with Northwest Airlines. Mason City. Pickups on the return would include Owatonna, Mankato, Blue Earth, Albert Lea and Austin, and Northwood, Mason City, Charles City, Waterloo, Independence, Manchester, Monticello, Anamosa, Cedar Rapids, Wyoming, Maquoketa, Lost Nation and De Witt, Ia.

Wulf said the company would use Stinson high wing monoGull, planes, carrying a pilot and mail clerk, with a capacity of 600 pounds of mail. Stockyards Agreement. KANSAS CITY, KAN. (U.P.)The Kansas City Stockyards Co. and the Stock Handlers union (C.I.O.) agreed on a new two-year contract Wednesday providing for a shorter work week and wage increases.

The union failed in its effort. to obtain a closed shop. When COLDS CAUSE SORE THROAT thy TONSILINE WANT AD RATES Your Want Ad appears in both papers, The Des Molnes Register and The Des Moines Tribune on week days for one low price. IF ORDERED FOR A FULL WEEK THE SEVENTH DAY IS FREE. General Classification Average One Three Five Seven Lines Words Day Days Days Days 2 10 to .90 $2.04 3.40 3.84 11 to 15 1.35 3.06 5.10 5.76 16 to 20 1.80 4.08 6.80 7.68 21 to 25 2.25 5.10 8.50 9.60 26 to 30 2.70 6.12 10.20 11.52 31 to 35 3.15 7.14 11.90 13.44 36 to 40 3.60 8.16 13.60 15.36 Your name and address or blind box number count as 5 words or one line.

ABOVE RATES APPLY ONLY TO ADS APPEARING ON CONSECUTIVE DAYS. Rooms--Board and Rooms, Positions Wanted. Lost and Found. TURN TO THESE CLASSIFICATIONS FOR SPECIAL RATES Want Ads starting in The Daily Register should reach this office by 5 p. m.

the day before publication. Daily Tribune ads must be received by 10:30 a. 00. on the day of publication. Sunday Register ads must reach this office by 12:30 Saturday to appear in all editions.

PHONE 3-2111 For Want Ad Service Information concerning ads containing blind box numbers cannot be given out. For quickest' attention address replies to the box number appearing on the ad. Want Ad users should check their advertisem*nts in the first issue they appear and report any error at once as DO allowance will be made for errors or misclassification after the first issue. DEATHS ASCHIM-Services for Mrs. A.

B. Aschim, wife of A. Aschim. 3015 Wright, will an church Interment Story City, Ia. be held Friday 1 p.

m. at Central LutherHamilton's Service. CASE- Services for Mrs. Esther G. Case, 2716 Meek will be held Thursday, 1:30 p.

m. at Hamilton's Funeral Home. Interment Glendale. FANS George Edward Hans, 73, of 924 15th passed away Monday. For information regarding funeral services call Harbach's Funeral Home, LANE- Services of Mrs.

Mary C. Lane, age 77, of 621 Oak Park will be Friday, 10 a. from All Saints' church. For further information call the Caldwell Mellhon Funeral Home. RUBY--For time and place of service for Guy Ruby, 1145 14th Street Place, call the E.

Carl White Funeral Home, SWITZER Funeral services for Cecil Switzer, son of Mrs. Dwayne Brown of 3808 12th will be held from Lilly's Thursday 1:30 p. m. Interment In Oralabor cemetery. WHITE--Frank White passed away at Manson, Ia.

Tuesday morning. Servtees at Manson. 9 a. m. Thursday.

Later services at Gatchell Memorial Chapel, Harding Road and Franklin, Des Moines, at 2:30 p. m. Thursday. Burial in Woodland cemetery CARD OF THANKS 2 WE WISH to thank our neighbors, friends, relatives. Father Murphy, The Sisters of Mercy, B.

L. Motors and employes, the Doctors and Nurses Des Moines General Hospital, Boy Scout Troop No. 19, The Goat Club and Brooks Neighborhood Council for their acts of love and sympathy during the recent loss of our beloved husband and father. George M. Hart.

Also for the many floral tributes. Mrs. Margaret Hart and children. IN MEMORIAMS 3 MRS. DELLA TALLEY, Feb.

27, 1926, Though the years be many or few. They are filled with remembrance dear. of you. Her daughter, Maude Ritchison. FLORISTS 3A FUNERAL sprays and wreaths, beautifully arranged.

Moderately priced. YOUNKERS FLOWERS. PH. 4-1112. SEND FLOWERS- -GOOD SELECTION! Dependable and reasonable.

Order by phone. 3-6191, La Vere Braucht, FRESH cut flowers. sprays. Prices able. Bach Floral, 1453 14th.

6-2555. NIELSEN GREENHOUSE. Phone 3-0316 1900 High St. LOST AND FOUND 5 Special Lost and Found Rates lines days $1.00 6 $2.00 3 $1.50 6 days $3.00 lines 3 days $2.00 6 days $4.00 Fewer than 3 lines. 25c line each day, 7TH FREE.

CAT lost Yellow male. Beaverdale dist. Childa pet. Reward. 7-0275 EARRING lost Sat.

Gold, cameo pierced eAr. Write 0-616, Register and Tribune. ELGIN- Yellow gold, leather band, lost Sat. nite. Rew.

5-3575. LOST- mos. old Scottie, male, Name "Smooch." Hair alightly brindle, 85 rew. Harold Kellogg. 2320 Payne Rd.

5-6193. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION The following named persons, residing names, have made application for permits their name, and for the class of permit Name Address Harry Glazer Glazer's Food Market, Mose Sem Winick Winick Bros. REX RAMSAY. Clerk of the City of a true list of the applications on file to sell beer in the class and at places TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES. DRIVING to Washington state, '39 Ford.

Take 2. References exchanged. Write E-467. Register and Tribune. PRIVATE party leaving for LA.

Mar. 2. Take 2. Ref. 1728 Woodland.

3-6601. TRANSPORTATION, PERSONALS 8 NOW THREE BUSSES DAILY Des Moines to Sigourney, Washington. Muscatine and Rock Island. OVER HIGHWAY NO. 92.


40c. MACSON'S 2 BEAUTY SALONS PHONE 4-0929. PHONE 4-2984. 403 SHOPS BLDG. 509 5TH AVE.

All Experienced Operators. $7.50 MACH'LESS PERM. $2 COMPL. JACK JOHNSON'S 4-0826 AVOID THE RUSH. Make your app't.

NOW for your Easter permanent. $7.50 machineless waves $2, comp. PH. 5-7876. GEORGIA'S Sh.

F. W. 50c. End curl $1.50 up. 2630 Beaver.

a til 8. MISS SEYMOUR'S famous 20 curl Croq, complete. $1.50. 707 Locust. 4-2021.

INSTRUCTION 12 MEN-WOMEN. Get U. S. Government Jobs, Commence $105.00 to $175.00 month. Try next Des Moines, examinations.

Get ready immediately Common education usually sufficient. Experience usually unnecessary. Sample Franklin Institute coaching and list of positionsFREE. Apply immediately--today, Write A-596, Register aid Tribune. LEARN Barbering! Earn good money.

Pleasant, easy to learn course. Low cost. Free catalog Write today. 10WA BARBER COLLEGE. 204 Walnut.

Des Moines, la. MEN get good pay jobs. Electric welders are in demand. Write for particulars. RAPIDS SCHOOL OF WELDING.


DIESEL shop training with Caterpillar operation. Box 59, Airport, Des Moines. REFRIGERATION shop training course. Tuition only $60. Write Box 59, D.

M. IT pays to attend 8 good school. Catalog of CCCC. D. M.

is free. MEN WANTED 14 REGISTERED pharmacist wanted at once. Call or write Milo Berka, Nevada Drug, Nevada, la. TOOL and die makers, 1st class. for day and night work.

Come ready for work. Rosen Machine 105 Brady Davenport, la. good habits, to do chores for keep and ELDERLY experienced single man wanted; small wages. Must drive a car. Write X-316.



Refrigerator experience car necessary. See Mr. Malatesta, mezzanine floor. HILL'S DEPT. STORE 4TH AND WALNUT.

FRATERNAL promotion mgr. exp. in orassn. ganizing Capable of taking full charge of lodges and fraternal benefit new being formed with statewide possibilities. Send full details.

Write 0-610, Register and Tribune. FARMER WANTED. Outside Polk county, to take charge of our established business in your locality. Steady work. good earnings of $50 up to $100 per week.

Write for information to Puritan Laboratories Des Moines. VACANCY exists with internationally known water treatment company for engineering salesman, capable act as consultant steam generation and water treating problems. Liberal commission. Write K-715. Register and Tribune.

CAN use 2 men for route work. Car furnished. Salary and commission. Also have opening in advertising department for men with some sales experience. Permanent employment, See Mr.

Eaten, Milner Hotel, evenings 7 to 9. TAKE ORDERS FOR IOWA HYBRID 939 Make money taking orders for our certifled and guaranteed Hybrid 939 in your neighborhood Write today to Turner Hybrid Seed Corn Grand Junction. Ia. SALESMAN, age 25 to 30. can make a permanent connection where future possibilities are exceptionally good.

Gasoline allowance and house sales. Mr. Aurich, 1905 Ingersoll, FARMER SALESMEN Get Life Guard's money making mineral and protein feed proposition. Plenty of sales help to get you started. Liberty Oil Des Moines.

DISTRIBUTORS wanted to bandle Dr. Macdonald's Vitamized Metabolator Feeds. Write Vitamized Feed Fort Dodge. la. SPECIAL agent for Life 'insurance Co.

Des Moines territory, very attractive contract. Oliver C. Miller, 1017 Walnut. YOU need work, we need you. 1 route available, and a living assured if you will work.

Fri. 938 6th. WE need 2 live wires, with cars. Adver. tising sales campaign.

Excellent pay. Write E-659, Register and Tribune. HELP WITH INVESTMENT 17 FUNERAL director, Prot. exp. to manage large Ia.

funeral home. Send photo and details of self and family, Approx. $5.000 investment desired. Well secured. Write 0-607.


211, BETWEEN 9 AND 4 O'CLOCK. CASKET salesmanager with Ta. following to operate la. factory on percentage base. $1.000 investment fully secured.

Refs. des. Write 0-609. Register and Tribune. WOMEN WANTED 19 GIRL, white, 20-35.

gen. housework care of child. Good home, 200d wages. Experience necessary Ph. 7-1023.

GIRL. white, 19 to: 30, gen'l. housework. 3 children. $6.

1338 41st. Ph. 5-6352. GIRL, white, for general care of children. Apply 1328 21st St.

MAID, white, experienced, to assist with serving and do upstairs cleaning. Other help in household. $10, board and room. Write 8-431, Register and Tribune, givage, full particulars, experience and Des Moines references. OFFICE girl- -Permanent position with east side business firm.

No bookkeeping but must know typing and be rapid at simple arithmetic. State S-634. schooling and experience Write Register and Tribune. WOMAN for gen. housework, care of 18 mo.

old baby after 4:30. 6-2244. WANTED immediately-2 girls 21 to 30 to learn practical nursing Wages $5 per week and maintenance. Phone Colfax sanitarium. MIDDLE aged woman for gen.

housework. More for good home. 1413 York. GOOD home, in exchange for light housework. small sal.

4-4097 after 7. EXPERIENCED waitress. Apply after 9 a. m. Randolph Hotel.

SALESWOMEN 20 515 WEEKLY easily earned. Your own dresses FREE. Show new Spring Fashion Frocks. No canvassing. No Investment.

Send age and dress size. FASHION FROCKS, Dept. T-9616, Cincinnati, 0. STEADY work, liberal commission and bonus for 4 Des Moines women who can work 5 hrs. per day.

Write 8-768, Register and Tribune. 2 LADIES with automobiles for special work. No canvassing. Permanent posttion. Write E-466, Register and Tribune.

AVON has that opportunity you have wanted. Immedieta training If you qualify. 316 Shopa Bldg. Positions Wanted- -MEN 22 Special Cash Rates. lines $1.00 6 $2.00 lines 3 days $1.50 6 days $3.00 lines days $2.00 days $4.00 Fewer than 3 days 25c a line each day.

FARM hand single good milker exp. In livestock and general farm work. No tobacco nor liquor. W. F.

Griese, care of Otto Kruse, Ida Grove, Ta. FARM HAND, marriad, milker. Refs. 828 Dea Molnes D. Ia.

FARM hand. married, exp. Clarence Hanco*ck. Powersville. Mo.

LINOTYPE work. operator Write available E-367. for full Register OF part time and Tribune. HAVE $400 with service. Invest something good.

Young, ambitious, experienced. Write K-611, Register and Tribune, YOUNG married couple work on Enrm for board and room and wages. Exp. Write K-515. Register and Tribune.

EXP. cafe man wants work in cafe ot hotel. Write K-315. Register and Tribune. EXP.

Welder. 27. Free to gO any place. Ret. H.

L. Schuller. Mallard. lows. SERVICES of Chev.

pickup tor miscellaneous work. Ph. 6-3669. GENERAL OFFICE, BANK AND OIL EXPERIENCE. College graduate.

Need job. 27 yrs. old, married. Consider Tribune. anything.

Write X-414, Register and YOUNG married man now employed desires opportunity to learn theater character. management. Dependable, honest, good Write A-115. Register and Tribune EXPERT engine lathe man desires steady work of that kind in small town or large farm, many tools, small wages Write A-312, Register and Tribune. COLORED boy.

22, wants work between 9 p. m. Consider anything. Some college, own car. Dependable.

6-5792. SINGLE middle-aged farm or herdsman. No booze, A-1 stockman. experienced. Write P-512.

Register and Tribune. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE. Positions Wanted -MEN 22 ASHES-RUBBISH. 4-6801. Hauled 50c mo.

Basem*nts cleaned. We buy junk. Big truck. W. E.

Sturgeon. ASHES-HAULING. 4-9845 Black driveway cinders. STURGEON. ASHES, rubbish, big truck, 25c up.

Pickup serv. Cans, ashes, twice mo. 25c-35c. Want 150 loads for fill. Helm.


4-7407. ASHES- Rubbish hauled. Reas. Cinders. Large truck.

Foley. Ph. 3-2875. BRICK, tile, cement all kinds. Plastering, patch work.

Lowest price. 3-7855. CARPENTER, windows and doors adjusted. Attics finished. Ref.


CINDERS FOR DRIVEWAYS. TWO YDS. LOAD $1.50. 5-6096. CINDERS for driveways, cement.

brick work Low prices. 4-3764. FLOOR Sanding, Painting, Wall Washing. Work guar. Free est.

Hood. 3-2380. FLOOR sanding, refinishing. Modern equip. Free est.

L. E. McFarland. 5-6073. FURNACES cleaned by VACUUM.

Repairs for all makes. Work guar. Ret. 5-8700. HAULING ALL KINDS.

4-9566 Load or part. Insured. W. L. Feight, R.

6. HAULING all kinds, reasonable, moving a specialty. $1 room up. Ins. 6-7637.

MOVING -LOCAL, LONG DIST. Estimate free. Insured. 4-5594, Phone HANLON. Painting, Papering, $2.50 rm.

up Wall washing, $1.50 up. gen. cleaning. Floors waxed 40c. A-1 ref.

6-4649. PAINTING -DECORATING. Walls washed. Paper cleaned. Work guar.

low prices. 3718 Center, 5-7772. PAINTING. papering. Old paper steamed off.

Carpenter work. F. J. DeBolt. 4-2775 PAINTING, papering, steam off paper.

Cleaning. Guar, Gates and Sons. 6-2709. PAINTING and paper hanging. Low prices.

Expert work. Liden. 3-0852. 5-6510. PAINTING, papering.

wall washing. floors refinished. Free est. 3-8255. PAINTING, paperhanging, wall washing.

Earl Anderson. 6-4887. PAPER CLEANING -WALL WASHING. 25 yrs. exp.

W. H. Chenoweth. 3-7550. PIANO TUNING $2.00.

20 YEARS EXP. IN DES MOINES. WORK GUAR. 5-6838. WALL washing, paper cleaning, 7-2337.

painting. Free estimate. Call Nelson. ACME PLATING CO. Wishes to contact plating and polishing jobs of all kinds.

No job too large or small for our prompt consideration. West Des Moines. Ph. 25. A-1 PAPERHANGING, PAINTING, FREE EST.

4-7590. Positions Wanted -WOMEN 23 CATERESS. laundress, cleaning by day; A-1 refs. Mrs. Thomas.

3-1460. DAYWORK. Cleaning. Experienced. References.

25c hour, carfare. 4-1371. DAYWORK- laundry. Child care. Experienced.

4-9845. DRESSMAKING. alteration. Plan your spring outfit now. Reas.


5-7533 GIRL -White. to work in sm. family, American home, no laund. 4-56152. LAUNDRY- dried, flat pieces fin.

6c lb. Curtains 25c pr. Mrs. Reed. 5-1842 LAUN.

Soft wat. dry flat pieces fin. 6c. Rough dry. 5c.

All 10c. 4-2338. TYPIST, competent. wants typing to do at home. Call for and deliver.

3-3020. PRACTICAL nurse. Reasonable. Refer- Auto Service and Parts 24 PARTS FOR CARS AND TRUCKS. We are now wrecking late models of all kinds.

See us for parts and save. Grand Auto 118 E. Grand. 4-3416. Rblt.

Batteries Guar. Ex. $1.98 up Auto Repl. Parts, 1109 Grand. 3-4424.

IF it's welding us. GIBBS THE WELDER. 315 Twelfth St. Phone 4-7018. OPEN EVENINGS.

Replacement parts and accessories. Motor Supply Co. 1315 West Locust. Ph. 3-5129.

Wanted Autos 30 CARS WANTED. We will pay highest cash prices for late models. FRIEDMANS. Ph. 4-5205 or 4-8979.

309 East Walnut. 200 East Grand. HIGHEST price paid for junk cars or trucks no matter what shape. City Auto 3-7379. Wrecking Yd.

1st and Forest WANTED. 25 cars. Drive to Whitaker's. 1112 Locust. Get the cash.

4-6013. BEST Car $200 cash will buy, 3-9885 or 3-6979. AUTOS FOR SALE 25 Chevrolet '37 CONVERTIBLE COUPE Believe ft or not. here's a perfect used car. It's equipped with radio, heater, electric clock.

spot light, side mirrors, fender parking lights, and complete dual accessories. The finish is a spotless bengal brown. Tires are like new. Mechanically it's ready for any test. The leather upholstery shows no wear, and rumble seat has hardly been used.

The previous owner drove it very little and now some lucky buyer cad save the first big depreciation costs. It's worth $100 more than we are asking so you must hurry. See It today. FRIEDMANS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 200-211 East Grand. Used Car Lots.

309 East Walnut. New and Used Cars. Phone 4-8979 or 4-5205. Open evenings and Sunday, CHEVROLETS can be financed with us or cash advanced on the car you now own. Low rates.

Convenient, courteous service. 0'Dea Finance 1117 Locust St. CHEVROLET '33 coupe, $50 down. KEO CAR MARKET. 810 Keosauqua.

Ph. 3-5623. CHEV. 1935-Good cond. Barg.

Phone 96. Slater, Iowa. FORD '39 deluxe touring coach, heater and several other extras $549 MOTOR SALES. East 3rd and Walnut. 4-6279.

FORDS. When you purchase your next new or used Ford, O'Dea will finance your unpaid balance at extremely low rates. 0'Dea Finance 1117 Locust St. FORD coach, 1934-Good cond. Call 4-5181 betw.

6:30 and 8:30 p. m. Wed. FORD tudor deluxe sedan. '37.

$85 down 50 others. 1540 E. Grand. Hudson 1937 door touring sedan. color grey.

Tires, finish and upholstery above reproach. all steel body. Hydraulic brakes. Equipped with radio and heater. A real bargain at $395 HUDSON -JONES HUDSON-PACKARD 1408 Locust St.

Ph. 3-6235 OLDS 8, 1939. De Luxe. Exc. cond.

$650 $150.00 cash, terms. Reason for selling, sickness. 5-6238. OLDSMOBILE 1940 (Model 70) 2 door. Radio.

heater. used just a few miles. Phone 5-8758. PACKARD, 1937. model 120 trg.

sedan. Will sacrifice for what it owes, $397.50. HAS radio and heater. Will show any time. Terms to right party.

Mr. Yates. 3215 Mondamin. Ph. 3-0011 or 7-4005.

PLYMOUTH. See O'Dea Finance for low rates and a payment plan to suit you. Most complete automobile finance service in the state. 1117 Locust St. PLY MOUTH.

1939-Road King tr door. Heater. Low mileage. Will ancrifice. Terms, Ph.

5-8755 eve. PLY MOUTH. 1940 de luxe tudor. used few miles. save.

Terms Whitaker, 1112 c*nt. Ph. 4-6012 PLYMOUTH, '39 sedan, like new. 3-0103. $595, or will trade.

Pri. owner. PLYMOUTH Coach. '33. $35 down.

50 others. Brownie. 1540 K. Grand. PONTIAC '37 dis.

2 dr. trg. Extra sed. trunk, radio. defrosters clean.

Swan Motor Co. 510 E. Grand. 4-4295. ALL MAKES ALL MODELS.

Wholesale and Retail SEE THE 1940 AMERICAN BANTAM Leo Fleck, Used Cars 1111. Locust St. 4-4631. FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! All recond. C.

Trawver. 1310 Locust. 40 CARS under $100 Low as $15 down. 20 CArE 8110 to $650. C.

Trawver, 1310 Locust St. AUTOS FOR SALE 25 EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAINS For the "Extra Day" 39 Chev. dix. 4 dr. sedan $568 Large roomy trunk.

This paint and tires like new. Is an ideal family car. See it. '38 Chev. mst.

dix. tn. sed. $445 Original black Duco finish is like new. Heater, new tires, TWENTY OTHER '38 Chevrolets, as low as $395 Deluxe and standard town down to sell this month.

sedans and coupes, all priced Terms to Suit You Arranged in Our Own Office ED O'DEA CHEVROLET CO. D. M. OLDEST CHEVROLET DEALER. 623 East Grand.

4-4196 MARKS THE SPOT Chevrolet 1938 town sedan. Radio, heater. Gunmetal color. Mo. tor runs perfect.

Near new tires. A real buy. $399 LIBERAL TRADES. LIBERAL TERMA SANDERS DODGE- -PLYMOUTH. 1440 Locust St.

Ph. 3-7800 OPEN EVENINGS. See These at The Studebaker Store DOWN PAYMENTS. '35 PONTIAC COUPE. R.



Ph. 4-3902 OUR PRICES OUR TERMS Will Suit Your Purse '37 Cadillac 65 trg. sedan. 138 La Salle trg. sedan, '34 Cadillac dix.

town sedan. '35 La Salle trg. sedan. '33 La Salle dix. sed.

6 wheels. '38 try, sedan. '36 Packard club sedan. '32 Packard club sedan. '39 Olds 70 trg.

tudor. '39 Oldsmobile 8 trg. sedan. LONGWELL MOTORS CADILLAC- -LA SALLE-OLDSMOBILE 1506 and 1439 Locust. Ph.

4-8354 OPEN EVENINGS. True Values YOU CAN'T PRICE QUALITY But we will save you money. Buy a TRUE VALUE Used Car or Truck. They're reconditioned. 60 to Choose From Paul Manning Down Town Chevrolet Co.

store. 1118-20 Locust. Used car lot, 12th and Walnut. 4-1234 Wednesday's Specials De Soto 1938. tra.

4 door sedan. Equipped with radio, heater, overdrive. Metallic blue finish. Good tires. A real buy Brady Motors DE SOTO-PLYMOUTH.

1208 Locust st. Ph. 3-8173. Station Wagon 1935 Ford. Good mechanical condition.

Body solid. Very good tires. See 11. at MANBECK'S CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH. Lot Locust at 12th.

Ph. 3-1318. LESS THAN $100 '33 Ford coach. '33 Oldsmobile sedan. '34 Terraplane coach.

31 Pontiac coach '31 Pontiac coupe. SCHOOLER 1015 Locust. Motor Co. Ph. 3-5161 '34 CHEV.

MSTR. COACH. Really nice. $40 down. '36, CHEVROLET COUPE.

A buy. $50 down. 85 cars to choose from. Midwest Auto Co. 1324 West Grand.

Ph. 3-0025. MR. MULLINS was awarded $5 last week Call at THE CAR SHOP and learn how you, too, can earn $5 this week. 1202 Locust.

Ph. 4-7431. Continued on Next Page. SOLE SAYS BUY THE BEST FOR LESS! BUICKS BUICK 1934 (Model 67) 6- wheel sedan. Dark blue.

Heat- $183 er. Lots of extras BUICK 1939 (41) 4-dr. trg. sedan. Radio, heater.

Low mileage, new. Our price now fully equipped. Cost $1.240 $719 BUICK 1938 (41) 4-dr. trg. sedan.

Trunk. Heater. Dark blue. Extra clean. Looks new BUICK 1937 (46) coupe, Black.

Never again will we offer such a bargain for $430 only BUICK 1938 (48) tudor tre. sedan. Lassen green, Radio. $580 heater BUICK 1936 (41) trg. 4-dr.

Dark green. Has Good radio. tires Deluxe $335 equipment. BUICK 1937 (61) 4-door tra. sedan.

The light Buick with the 130 horsepower engine. Here's $485 2000 one BUICK 1935 (41) trg. sedan Heater, clock. Brown finish. Deluxe equipped.

Small size se- $240 dam. Very special COMPARE THESE PRICES HOWARD SOLE YOUR BUICK REALER West 4th and Grand. Ph. 4-6235.

Des Moines Tribune from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.